


美式发音: [ˈboʊtmən] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊtmən]






1.靠小船营生的人;摆渡者;小船出租人a man who earns money from small boats, either by carrying passengers or goods on them, or by renting them out


n.1.a man who takes people or goods somewhere in a small boat, or who has small boats that you can rent for a period of time

1.船夫 boathouse n. 船库 boatman n. 船夫 body n. 身子 ...

2.船工 船夫〖 boatman〗 船工boatman〗 船户〖 boatman〗 ...

3.舟子 舫 fǎng 船夫,舟子boatman〗 船。后泛指小船〖 boat〗 ...

4.船户 船工〖 boatman〗 船户boatman〗 船籍〖 ship'sregistry〗 ...

5.船员 boatman charge 带缆小艇雇用费 boatman 船员 boatman 带缆水手;桨手 ...

6.出租游艇者 Nonami 野并 boatman n.出租游艇者;船夫 standard n.标准;规格;水准;军旗 ...

7.船家 窗口 : window 船家 : boatman 农家 : peasant ...

8.桨手 boatman 船员 boatman 带缆水手;桨手 boatmanship 划艇术 ...


1.True to my surprise, It turned out that the Enpghtenment from a mere one boatman, went so far as it ages better than everyone's poems.真想不到,原来这区区一船工的点拨,竟胜于那历代大家的诗文。

2.And then when you cycle back to the river bank, the boatman is waiting for you. And he is, of course, smipng.然后,当你骑车回到河岸的时候会发现船夫正在等你,当然,他带着微笑。

3.Businessmen are afraid to ask the boatman (boat people) what it is, but the boatman did not know also.商人很害怕地问船家(划船的人)这是什么,但船家也都表示不知道。

4.The old boatman dived into the green seas, and sent the shivering frost all over the boat.老船工猛地扎进了碧绿的海里,船上弥漫着一股森森的寒气。

5.The boatman was just guiding it, there was no effort, for the wind was doing all the work.在风的吹送下,船夫没有努力,只是掌舵。

6.You'll be very comfortable, and I'll teach you to row and to swim. Soon you'll be as good a boatman as any of us.你会很舒服的,我将教你划船,教你游泳,不久你就会和我们划得一样好。

7.He called for his batman, but got no answer, and being unable to find either of the two boatman went into the kitchen.他要求他的蝙蝠侠,但没有得到答复而找不到两种船工进入厨房。

8.Suddenly my wife spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.突然,妻子发现岸边泊着一条小船,船上有一船夫在呼呼大睡。

9.The philosopher nearly fell into the water when he tried to jump into the boat. The boatman caught his arm and helped him to get in.哲学家在试着往船上跳的时候,险些落到水里。船家抓住了他的胳臂帮他上了船。

10.The boat in rushing current swept past the submerged rock. We were frightened very much, but the boatman seemed easy as if a god helped him.船在急流里与巨石擦肩而过,我们一个个都看得心惊胆跳,但船老大却显得轻松自在,好像没事发生似的。