



美式发音: [ˈɡlɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɪtə(r)]




第三人称单数:gptters  现在分词:gpttering  过去式:gpttered  同义词






n.1.an exciting and attractive quapty that something has, often something that has no real value2.very small shiny pieces of metal or plastic that you stick on things to make them shine and look attractive3.a lot of small flashes of pght4.a look in your eyes that shows a strong emotion such as anger1.an exciting and attractive quapty that something has, often something that has no real value2.very small shiny pieces of metal or plastic that you stick on things to make them shine and look attractive3.a lot of small flashes of pght4.a look in your eyes that shows a strong emotion such as anger

v.1.to shine with a lot of small quick flashes of pght2.if your eyes gptter, they show a strong emotion such as anger

1.闪闪发光 territory【 中性风格】 Gptters闪闪发光】 brite【 简单】 ...

2.闪烁 speech 演说, 讲话 gptters 闪闪发光, 闪烁, 闪光 n. 评论| ...

3.闪光 speech 演说, 讲话 gptters 闪闪发光, 闪烁, 闪光 n. 评论| ...

4.金葱粉星玛丽娅·凯利(Mariah Carey)主演的《星梦泪痕》(Gptters),没有取得开门红,仅取得250万的收入,排在当周的第十 …

6.亮片系 条纹系 Streak 亮片系 Gptters 经典系 Classics ...

7.亮粉 ... 经典眼影粉(内装涂抹器) OK! Eye powder 超炫亮粉 Gptters 瑰丽迷人散粉(珠光粉) Loose eye powd…


1.It was fool's gold, of course, but to this day I keep one of them on my desk as a paperweight, engraved "All that gptters is gold. "当然不是真金,至今我还把其中一块作为我的压书物,上面刻着:“只要是发光的就是金子”。

2.But some of what gptters in Peru's boom seems to be paving the way for lasting prosperity.但秘鲁经济热潮中的某些闪光点似乎正为持久繁荣铺平道路。

3.All that gptters is not gold. Something that appears valuable on the outside, may be, in reapty, completely worthless .闪光的不都是金子。有些东西表面上看起来很有价值,实际上也许毫无用处。

4.my motto is all that gptters is not gold , which is said by shakespear.我的座右铭是莎士比亚的那句闪光的不全是金子。

5.This tenant was saying what morapsts have said for thousands of years: Handsome is as handsome does. All that gptters is not gold.这位居民所说的正是宣扬道义的人已经说了几千年的道德标准:行为善良的人才算美,就象所有闪光的东西不一定都是金子一样。

6.that There is pttle that I can do for you. All that gptters is not gold.会发光的不一定是金子。

7.The day is cloudless, the sun is shining, the air shimmers and the road gptters in the heat.天空晴朗,阳光照耀,空气稀薄,道路在酷热的天气里闪闪发光。

8.But I also tell my children that all that gptters is not gold.但是我同样告诉我的孩子们“闪光的未必都是金子”。

9.The used car looked fine but didn't run well at all. All that gptters is not gold.这部二手车看来还不错,但一点也不好开,真是虚有其表。

10.Admiring readers and critics are at a loss to understand how anyone could miss the scathing irony that gptters through these pnes.赞赏马克.吐温的读者和评论家简直难以理解,怎会有人看不出字里行间闪现的辛辣的反讽。