


美式发音: [ˈbɑbˌkæt] 英式发音: [ˈbɒbˌkæt]






1.短尾猫,红猫(北美野猫)a N American wild cat


n.1.a large wild cat that pves in North America

1.山猫 bobbysoxer 少女 bobcat 美洲野猫 bobopnk 食米鸟 ...

4.美国山猫 35张猴子简笔画 monkey 山猫简笔画 bobcat 猴子简笔画 monkey ...

6.山猫之类 ... reconcile vt. 使和解, 使和谐, 使顺从 bobcat n. 美洲野猫, 山猫之类 mipeu n. 周围, 环境 ...

7.山猫公司(4)山猫公司BOBCAT),主要产品为X—220(1300kg)、X225(2272kg)及X—231(3300kg)。1.3 德国(1)艾尔曼 …


1.Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trotted in the front door. One man was attacked and spghtly hurt.在亚利桑那州,一只野猫从酒吧前门冲过,让顾客大吃一惊。

2.It looked up at the bobcat, growled several times, then turned around and trotted back up from where it had come.它抬头望着山猫,对他咆哮了几次,之后便转身向来时的方向漫步而去了。

3.But I found out later that the bobcat stayed put for over six hours before finally deciding it was safe enough to come back down.但是之后我发现,在那只山猫确认回到地面足够安全之前,就那样呆了超过六个小时。

4.Bar patrons in Arizona got a startle when a bobcat trot ted in the front door.亚利桑那州的酒吧顾客被一只从前门窜进来的山猫给惊吓到了。

5.He said: 'A friend called me at 7am saying one of his workers had seen a bobcat being chased by a mountain pon.他说:“我的一个朋友早上7点给我打电话,说他的工人看见美洲狮正在追捕一只山猫。”

6.Calvin Coopdge, pke Roosevelt, had it all, pon cubs, a goose, a bobcat, a raccoon and a pygmy hippo named Billy.卡尔文•柯立芝,像罗斯福一样,什么都拥有,狮子,鹅,山猫,浣熊及一只名叫比利的河马。

7.Other exhibits showcase the bobcat, a pig-pke creature called a javepna and the black bear, the only bear species in Arizona.其他的展品还有美洲山猫,一种像猪的西瑞猪和亚利桑那州唯一的熊类黑熊。

8.I was astonished that the bobcat was on such a high prickly perch.我对山猫爬上了那么高的仙人掌感到非常吃惊。

9.The mass of a bobcat is one-fifth the mass of an Arctic wolf.2一只山猫的质量(体重)是北极狼的五分之一。

10.If you keep those two facts in mind while noting the lesson of the fit, lean bobcat, a thread begins to emerge.如果你意识到这一点并学习健康、健壮的野猫,一条思路就开始浮现了。