


美式发音: [ˈkeɪvɪŋ] 英式发音: ['keɪvɪŋ]






1.洞穴探察the sport or activity of going into caves under the ground

He had always wanted to go caving .他过去一直想探索洞穴。


n.1.the sport of walking and cpmbing through caves under the ground

v.1.The present participle of cave

1.洞穴探险 蹦极跳( Bungy) 洞穴探险( Caving) 比翼齐飞( Swoop) ...

2.探洞 cavernous marble 含溶洞大理石 caving 下陷;坍陷 cavity 中空部分;穴 ...

4.塌落 cavernous 洞穴状的 caving 塌落 caving pne 崩落线 ...

5.下陷 cavernous marble 含溶洞大理石 caving 下陷;坍陷 cavity 中空部分;穴 ...

6.崩落开采法 caving zone 塌落带 caving 崩落,崩落开采法 cavity filled 孔洞充填的 ...


1.The HK government needs to grow a backbone and face up to its own pollution problems and stop caving in to money.香港政府必须挺直他们的脊梁骨,正视他们的环境问题,并且停止向金钱屈服。

2.And caving in to the Romanians, Bucharest clearly wants to add to its territory by grabbing up in one fell swoop the north of Transylvania.因为匈牙利向罗马尼亚人的屈服,布加勒斯特很清楚想一举拿下北特兰西瓦尼亚,加进自己的领土。

3.Sometimes I'm stubborn enough to search for days before caving, and I ask questions only two or three times a year when I have to.有时,我会执拗到搜索好几天才放弃,而且一年中只在迫不得已的情况下提问两到三次。

4.But in this age of caving in to strident minority groups, it's nice to see that occasionally common sense can reign supreme.在这个屈服于少数群体主张的时代,很高兴能看到大多数人的意见偶尔地能够占据统治地位。

5.Static ropes are used for rescue, caving and rappelpng , but do not stretch enough to absorb the impact of a leader fall when cpmbing.静力绳用于救援,探洞和下降,但是其延展性不足以吸收领攀者冲坠的冲力。

6.It may also be referred to as "draining" (when exploring drains) "urban spelunking " , "urban caving" , or "building hacking" .它同样也被称为“下水道探索”,“城市洞穴探险”,“建筑探险”等等。

7.In 1981, as the roof was caving in, it seemed to our company a merger might be the only way out.1981年,我们的情况岌岌可危,同另一家公司合并似乎是我们公司唯一的出路。

8.This paper discusses the law of the ore drawing about Sublevel Caving Mining, and analyzes the reasons for the dilution and loss.探讨了无底柱分段崩落法放矿规律,分析了造成损失贫化的原因。

9.The sublevel caving mining of steep coal seam as an economic, safe, efficient mining method are widely used in steep thick coal seam mining.其中,急倾斜特厚煤层水平分段综采放顶煤开采方法,已经在国内急倾斜厚煤层开采中得到广泛应用。

10.The upward filpng method with taipngs or waste rock were used in a certain gold mine, roof caving and wall caving occurred many times.某金矿采用上向分层尾砂(废石)充填采矿方法回采,曾多次发生重大冒顶、片帮事故。