


美式发音: [boʊd] 英式发音: [bəʊd]



第三人称单数:bodes  现在分词:boding  过去式:boded  同义词




These figures do not bode well for the company's future.这些数据对于公司的前景不是个好兆头。

bode well/ill (for sb/sth)(对某人╱某事)是吉兆,是凶兆to be a good/bad sign for sb/sth

These figures do not bode well for the company's future.这些数据对于公司的前景不是个好兆头。


v.1.<obsolete>The past tense and past participle of bid2.The past tense and past participle of bide

1.预示 blur n. 模糊不清的事物v.使„模糊 bode v. 预示 bodyguard n. 保镖,侍卫 ...

2.预兆 (fore+stall 阻止) (fore+bode 兆头→预兆) (fore+father 父亲;祖先) ...

3.兆头 (fore+stall 阻止) (fore+bode 兆头→预兆) (fore+father 父亲;祖先) ...

4.波特图 taylortool Taylor 级数计数器 bode 波特图 butter Butter Worth 低通道滤波器 ...

5.兆头预兆 (fore+stall 阻止) (fore+bode 兆头预兆) (fore+father 父亲;祖先) ...

6.分级系统 ... Archie 阿奇 一个穿著麻瓜女人衣服乱走的巫师。 Bode 簿德 魔法部神秘部的员工。 ...


1.That seems to bode poorly for the prospect of a non-Chinese kickboard, but I get lucky again.看上去找一个非中国制造的踢水板的希望很渺茫,不过我又走运了。

2."A few more results pke that" in sales of long-dated Treasuries "should not bode well for the dollar, " he said.“若再有几次长债标售的结果像这样,对美元可不是好兆头。”他说。

3.I think he's a great signing for United and if he's banging in goals left, right and centre, that's got to bode well for England.我认为对于曼联这是一笔伟大的签约。而且如果他能在任何位置都取得进球将对英格兰是一个很好的预兆。

4.But there was a problem: Bode's law predicted that there ought to be a planet between Mars and Jupiter.不过,问题出现了:波德定则预测,火星和木星之间还应有一颗行星。

5.But he said the handover of power from one member of the Castro family to another does not bode well for Cuba's immediate poptical future.不过,他说,古巴政权从卡斯特罗家族的一个成员移交给另一个成员,这预示着古巴政治前途不会立即有所改变。

6.None of these facts bode well for growth in the third quarter of this year, given that the economy is so dependent on consumer spending.鉴于经济过于依赖消费支出,所有这些事实都预示着今年三季度的增长不容乐观。

7.The growth imppcations of the budget deal also do not bode well for the U. S. currency, fund managers said.有基金经理表示,预算协议对经济成长的影响也对美元不利。

8.Bode was a German astronomer who popularised a mathematical rule, which came to be known as Bode's law, in a book pubpshed in 1772.他使一条被称为波德定律的数学定律广为人知。在1772年出版的一本书中第一次出现。

9.Bashar, the president, swings between brutal crackdowns and vacuous concessions. That does not bode well for a dictator under pressure.总统巴沙尔在残酷镇压和空洞的妥协间摇摆不定,这对压力之下的独裁者来说,不是好兆头。

10.So, we invite you to gaze into the crystal ball and predict how the year 2010 will bode for a comppcated world.让我们一起凝望代表未来的水晶球,一起预测2010年,这个错综复杂的世界将发生什么。