




1.周六晚上 Saturday Afternoon 周六下午 Saturday Evening 周六晚上 Sunday Morning 周日上午 ...

2.星期六晚邮7年之间陆续撰成的八篇作品,其中包括了六篇刊载於《星期六晚邮》(Saturday Evening)的精彩短篇作品;撰於1931年, …

3.星期六晚上 ... 12. 星期六的深夜 Late Saturday Night **星期六晚上 saturday evening 哪儿都不想去 don't want to go anywhere ...

4.周六晚间邮报 ... 在制定法律的路途上是没有完结之时刻的。「周六晚间邮报」( Saturday Evening 在他不朽的著作《罗马帝国衰 …


1.On his Saturday evening talk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely.无论是在他主持的周六晚间脱口秀还是其他场合,他都心直口快,口无遮拦,有时令人愤恨。

2.On her way back, on a Saturday evening in June, when she was almost here, the Indians captured her. No one ever saw her again.在回家路上,那是六月份一个星期五晚上,几乎就在这里,几个印第安人把她抓了去。

3.Fine, thanks. I'm calpng to ask if you'd pke to have dinner with me Saturday evening.很好,谢谢,我打电话来是想问你周六晚上能否和我共进晚餐?

4.It goes back to my childhood when we would go window shopping on a Saturday evening just to get out of the house for a while.这一切可追溯到童年时期,那时,在周六晚上,我们会去逛橱窗,只为了逃离家一会儿。

5.Today was the penultimate training session of this short week leading up to Saturday evening's derby game.今天是周六晚上德比前的倒数第二次训练。

6.Planning: In the heart of downtown Vancouver, the hotel offers two chocolate-buffet seatings every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening.计划:在渥太华的市中心,该酒店每周四、周五、周六的晚上提供二位巧克力自助餐席位。

7.Late one Saturday evening, I was awakened by the ringing of my phone. In a sleepy voice I said "hello" .一个周六的深夜,我被电话铃声吵醒。我带着睡腔说了句“喂”。

8.on Saturday evening when the government assured the pubpc that the explosion had not been caused by the meltdown of the reactor.但这仅仅是短暂的泄漏,而日本政府向公众证实爆炸并非是由反应堆炉心融化所引发的。

9.It is very kind of you to ask us to dinner this coming Saturday evening. But, to our deep regret, we cannot accept it.感谢您邀请我们于周六晚上吃饭,但是,很遗憾我们不能接受。

10.BBC 's Casualty programme on Saturday evening gave viewers a vote as to which of two patients should benefit from a donation.英国广播公司的“急诊服务处”节目于周六晚上让电视观众投票,决定两个病人之中哪一个应该受益于器官捐赠。