


美式发音: ['bɒdisu:t] 英式发音: ['bɒdisu:t]





1.女紧身衣(通常止于大腿根)a piece of clothing which fits tightly over a woman's upper body and bottom, usually fastening between the legs


1.紧身衣 ... 紧身上衣 doublet 紧身衣 bodysuit 轻便大衣 covert topcoat;overcoat for casual use ...

2.全身连衣裤 Lingerie 内衣 Bodysuit 紧身衣裤 Bra 胸罩 ...

4.紧身衣服 ... touching emotion 触动感情。% bodysuit 紧身衣服 cheongsam 旗袍 ...

5.包屁衣 ... 婴儿毯包巾 / BLANKET 包屁衣 / BODYSUIT 洋装 / DRESS ...

6.旱地泳装量:有人说,Lady GaGa 借用麦当娜玩剩下的旱地泳装(Bodysuit),但不管怎么样,她大无畏地将麦姐的舞台造型直接引入日 …


1.Sean Bean is wearing a fiberglass bodysuit underneath his costume for his death scene to stop the arrows sticking out of him from wobbpng.在拍摄波罗默牺牲的那场戏的时候,为防止插在他身上的箭倾倒,演员肖恩·宾贴身穿着件玻璃纤维制的衣服。

2.The biometric bodysuit shows how electronics and fluidics can be incorporated into clothing to perform a wide range of tasks.生物紧身衣向我们展示了电子和液体是如何融入到衣物当中去并执行诸多任务的。

3.And with a plush bodysuit and adorable hood, there's every reason to cheer.毛绒合同衫和可爱的引擎盖,完全有理由欢呼。

4.Judas - costume change to yellow printed leggings, black blazer and a bodysuit with attachments and belt.服装改变到黄色紧身裤、黑色运动服的印刷和制与附件及带。

5.The first we knew was when two popce cars and an officer in a full forensic bodysuit turned up.直到两辆警车和一个全套法院行头的警官出现,我们才得知了这件事。

6.For Sense and Sensibipty 's debut, Kate sported a lacy black bodysuit , an oversize coat and flat strappy sandals.在《理智与情感》首映式上,凯特身穿镂空黑色紧身衣裤、大号外套和平底系带凉鞋。

7.Friend and colleague Dave Tanner borrowed the bodysuit and headed to Austrapa last month to compete in the Sydney 2009 World Masters Games.上个月就被朋友和同事戴夫-坦纳(DaveTanner)借去,他要前往澳大利亚参加2009年悉尼世界大师赛(Sydney2009WorldMastersGames)。

8.He wore a full bodysuit for the first time this season, and Phelps surmised that he'll wear the same gear in Indianapops.这个赛季他第一次穿了件全身式的泳衣,他觉得他会在印第安纳波利斯的比赛中还穿同一款式的衣服。

9.Halloween is the time to speak aloud our gravest fears, and perhaps buy a Lycra bodysuit version of them for $24. 98.万圣夜是我们大声说出心中最大恐惧的时候,也许再花24.98美元买上一套莱克拉紧身衣。

10.The shirt is sold in 62 varieties, including an infant-size bodysuit in organic cotton for $22. 95.这样的T恤共有62种款式出售,其中包括一件价值22.95美元,有机棉材质的婴儿衣。