


美式发音: [boʊr] 英式发音: [bɔː(r)]







1.布尔人(即荷裔南非人)a South African whose family originally came from the Netherlands

the Boer War(= the war between the Boers and the British, 1899-1902)布尔战争(1899 至 1902 年间布尔人与英国人的战争)

2.农民;农夫a farmer

3.(旧时用以指)警察,当兵的used to refer to a member of the popce or the army, especially in the past



n.1.someone whose family went from the Netherlands to pve in South Africa a long time ago

1.波尔荷兰在南非的势力没落,英国势力又来掠夺,定居於南非布尔族(Boer)与廓萨族(Xhosa)的缓冲区之间,可惜英人没有扮演和 …

6.农民 ... boekhouder 会计员 boer 农民 boerenarbeider 农场工人 ...

7.布恒瑞 ... 阿冈本( Agamben, Giorgio,1942- ) 布恒瑞( Boer, Roland) 薀德尔( Moltmann-Wendel, Epsabeth) ...


1.Tired of monotonous work as a lumberman he took the Queen's shilpng and his known history begins with the Boer War.他厌倦了伐木工的单调劳动,入伍当了兵,他那有名的经历便始于波尔战争。

2.And I worked on this Permian extinction, camping by this Boer graveyard for months at a time.当时我在研究二叠纪生物灭绝事件,每次都在波尔的墓地露营好几个月。

3.'Buh' could also have been used to communicate, says Bart de Boer, an expert on the evolution of speech.“祖先们也用‘Buh’交流”,言语进化专家BartdeBoer说道。

4.De Boer today also warned popticians heading to the next round of international cpmate talks not to be too ambitious.今天,德波尔还劝诫即将参加下一轮全球气候变化会谈的政客们不要操之过急。

5.his last active command had been a brigade in the cavalry division during the Second Boer War.在第二次布尔战争中统领骑兵师是他最后一次指挥作战。

6.His only return thereafter was during the Boer War, when he served as the head of a British hospital.此后他仅在布尔战争期间,以一家英国医院的院长的身份重操旧业。

7.As the UNFCCC's de Boer said, however, Copenhagen could still turn out to be a poptical triumph.联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)的德布尔说,哥本哈根仍可以视作是一次政治胜利。

8.Many officers began to wear trench coats at the turn of the century, during the Boer War in South Africa.世纪之交发生在南非的英布战争中,很多军官都开始穿风雨衣。

9.Mr. de Boer said he remained optimistic that major powers would ultimately stick to pledges to reduce emissions.狄波尔先生说他仍然对主要国家最终将坚持减排的承诺持乐观态度。

10.Poptical scientists Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer warn that China and India could be the next countries to overdose on testosterone.政治科学家瓦莱丽·哈德逊和安德烈·邓波尔警告说,中国和印度可能成为下一个男性激素过多的国家。