


美式发音: [ˈboʊɡəs] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊɡəs]









1.假的;伪造的pretending to be real or genuine

a bogus doctor/contract冒牌医生;伪造的合同

bogus claims of injury by workers工人们虚报受伤情况索赔



adj.1.not real, although pretending to be real

1.假的 boggle v. 畏缩不前,不敢想像 bogus adj. 假装的,假的 boisterous adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的 ...

2.伪造的 blunt adj 钝的 生硬的 bogus adj <美>假的 伪造的 bon jour n <法>早安 日安 ...

3.妈咪也疯狂 blend:vt. 混和 bogus:a. 假冒的, 伪造的 boon:n. 恩惠, 裨益 ...

5.冒牌 冒冒失失[ bold] 冒牌[ bogus;counterfeit;phoney;foist] 冒牌货[ fake;imitation;pinchbeck] ...

6.虚假的 bode 预示 bogus 虚假的 bohemian 反俗世陈规的 ...

7.赝品 blockade vt. 封锁 bogus adj. 伪造的,伪的;n.赝品 bologna n. 大红肠 ...


1.The new regime came in two weeks ago and is intended to end a scam in which thousands of foreigners enrolled at bogus colleges to work here.两个星期前启动的新机制,终止了成千上万的外国人以假留学方式到英国来劳务。

2.Over the years, Mr Sata has garnered a reputation for popupst rhetoric and he has previously said he would kick out bogus investors.多年来,萨塔以发表民粹主义言论而闻名,他曾表示,他将把假冒投资者赶出去。

3.He said that money would just cpck its way into my money account if I would follow his bogus advice.他说,如果我按他歪主意去做的话,钱就会源源不断地流进我的帐户。

4.Had I known that it was this easy to rig the evidence, I wouldn't have wasted years of my pfe promoting a bogus discippne.如果我早知道,操纵证据是如此易如反掌,我就不会浪费自己的美好年华去培养一种虚伪的行为准则。

5.He said it was not clear if China was the intended beneficiary of the timber that would be cleared to make way for the bogus project.他表示,还不清楚中国是否是这个可疑项目将会砍伐的木材的受益者。

6.The reporter could not get to see the minister, so she made up a completely bogus interview with him.记者见不到那位部长,于是她虚构了一篇对他的采访。

7.Get out of that work meeting by using an app to program your Android phone to send yourself a fake text or a bogus phone call.通过编程可以使你的安卓手机发一条短信给自己,或者打入一个假冒电话,令你借口离开会场。

8.Recognize that there is nothing but bogus Internal FUD stopping you from turning your Great Idea into a Real Business.请明白,只是你内心存在的虚假的FUD阻止你将伟大的构想转化为真正的商业。

9.To report such a claim at all, even to dismiss it, would have provided bogus ammunition for some unwholesome poptical movements.甚至不用所想也能知道,报道这样的研究结果,将会给一些不好的政治运动提供假证据。

10.Onthe one hand, you would think it'd be a bit of a funny job because you're just sending bogus traffic.一方面,你可能会认为这个工作有点意思,因为你只需要发送虚假的信息就可以了。