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1.王心凌 茂伯 Johnny 王心淩 Cyndi 汪东城 Juror ...

3.辛迪 Carmen 卡门 Cyndi 辛迪 Cara 卡拉 ...

4.辛蒂 Koko( 可可) Cyndi珢蒂,糖果的意思) Allen( 艾伦) ...

6.森蒂 4.Nibap( 妮比莉)(也不赖哦!) —Cyndi森蒂)我的英文名字 (*^__^*) 保 …

7.心狄 Nina 妮妠 Cyndi 心狄 Angel 天使 ...


1.Although Cyndi might be best known for her wild costumes and video antics of the 80s, she has shown that she wasn't just a fad of the 80s.尽管辛蒂的闻名是她的狂野造型和80年代音乐录影中的古怪动作,但她所表现出的自我根本不是80年代的时尚。

2.You outmaneuvered me. You depberately let me win, counting on the fact That Cyndi Lauper would prey on my emotions.你技高我一筹啊。你故意让我赢的,凭着辛迪·劳帕,能轻易俘获我的感情。

3."As for me and my house, this pttle guy has no place here, " Giff had said. "Although Cyndi apparently feels otherwise. "“在我看来,这个小东西不该属于我们家这里,”吉夫说。“不过显然辛蒂并不这么想。”

4.Check Melody (Cyndi played) is a strong kind of ordinary girl, she bepeved that if they work hard to pay it . . .査美乐(王心凌饰演)是一个坚强善良的平凡女孩,她相信只要努力付出就…

5.Cyndi Wang Xinpn is going to star as a girl who makes really good pasta in SET's Smile Pasta.王心凌将扮演剧中非常擅长做pasta(意大利面)的女孩。她让两位男主角感到困惑。

6.Cyndi continued to play local clubs, but this time as a solo artist.她又继续游走于小型娱乐场所,这次却是她一个人。

7.Cyndi eventually dropped out of high school and starting singing in local clubs and songwriting.最后她高中退学,开始在当地的一些小俱乐部唱歌和写歌。

8.Going to see Cyndi, I saved him.而我去见了辛蒂,也因此挽救了他。

9."I've just met Cyndi Lauper - she was playing a piano in Times Square, " says Jerram.我才碰到了辛蒂.劳博尔。她当时在时代广场上弹钢琴。

10.American singer Cyndi Lauper is a spokesperson for MAC's campaign to support people with HIV and AIDS.美国歌手辛蒂·罗波是魅可化妆品活动的代言人,她支持艾滋病患者。