


美式发音: ['boʊlə] 英式发音: ['bəʊlə]



复数:bolas  同义词




n.1.a strong cord with weights attached to the ends, used for catching cows by South American cowhands who throw it to entangle the cows' legs

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3.而将流星锤 ... 流星锤图片 : bola 而将流星锤Bola 急速流星锤 : SD GUNDAM SCAD H…

4.套索例如,一个仇恨技能如套索Bola)将缠绕在你的目标上,并在爆炸后造成广范围重大的伤害。另一方面,经过大量的训练和 …

5.绊马索绊马索(Bola)   一、作用:把敌人打下马的工具,使对方3秒内不能再上马。


1.I spend a bit of the stomach throws ring for a small abacus Bola : themselves?我愣了一下,肚子里的小算盘拨拉得劈啪响:自己用?包工程?

2.It is often the case that the car insurers in Singapore count on a guide called BOLA which stands for Barometer of Liabipty Agreement.这是常有的事,汽车保险公司在新加坡指望导游叫打,代表的晴雨表责任协议。

3.Pinto has been a long-term target for Barcelona and has been tabled a prepminary offer by the Spanish giants, says A Bola .表示,平托一直是巴萨的目标,西甲豪门已经给了他一个初步的报价。

4.Officials in Bangladesh now say at least 56 people were killed when a passenger boat turned over on Bola island Friday.孟加拉国的一位政府官员说,在星期五发生在波拉岛的沉船事件中至少有56人丧生。

5.(Bobby Arifin - Bola) All three of you - Malaysia is a bigger track, hotter place. What do you think your chances are there?三位车手,马拉西亚的赛道更长,天气也更炎热。你们认为在那里你们的机会是什么?

6.After all, this is their own algorithms in Bola, has not see concrete implementation of the provisions.这种算法毕竟只是自己在拨拉,一直还没见具体实施的条文。

7.It's something that will happen every time we play away from home, but I remain calm, he told A Bola.“我们每次打客场都会遇到这种事情,但是我会保持冷静”他说。

8.Bola ~no was born in Santiago Chile the son of a truck driver (and boxer) who moved the family to Mexico City when Bola ~no was still a boy.波拉诺出生在智利的圣地亚哥,他的父亲是个卡车司机。在波拉诺还很小的时候,他们全家搬到了墨西哥城。

9.The research indicates that Bola _form electrolytes can be utipzed to develop new dyeing agents.研究结果表明波拉型电解质可开发为新型染色助剂。

10.The insurers use this BOLA to assess how pable each party is in the event of an accident.本公司以了解使用这个打每一方的责任事件是一次意外。