




1.博伦博伦Bollen):(1)    政治菁英的权力最小化。

2.波地斯岛和附近的波兰栖息地:新西兰的安特波地斯岛和附近的波兰Bollen)岛上。【繁 殖】 他们在野外的繁殖季为11月到隔年1月。

3.布伦例如布伦Bollen)和菲利普(Philpps)[4],斯塔克[5]分别考察了美国电视媒体向全国播放自杀新闻的影响,他们发现这样的 …

4.阿豪阿豪( bollen )初阶会员 传讯 回覆1楼 传讯 回覆▲TOPDNA爆炸( ddan1976 )初阶会员 经验值:56文章数:15文章评价:+0/ -0 …


1."We were pretty astonished that this actually worked, " said computational social scientist Johan Bollen of Indiana University-Bloomington.“对这个结果我们颇感震惊。”美国布卢明顿印第安纳大学计算社会科学家约翰博伦说。

2.Mr. BOLLEN: Yes, well, we're first trying to get this stage settled.勃伦:是,我们第一是要努力把现在这个阶段做实。

3."This map shows that two sides are very strongly intertwined, they're part of the same system, " says Johan Bollen, who led the research.“这图谱表明了两端非常紧密地联系在一起,它们都属于同一个体系。”该项研究的带头人约翰•博伦(JohanBollen)说道。

4.To shoulder social responsibipties with benevolence and to practice entrepreneurism with generosity are the special charisma of Mr. Bollen.以仁慈之心践行社会责任的担当,以助人为乐彰显企业家的情怀,是陆博伦先生独特的个人魅力。

5.'We have always thought of individuals as being unpredictable, ' said Johan Bollen, an expert in complex networks at Indiana University.印第安那大学(IndianaUniversity)从事复杂网路研究的专家博伦(JohanBollen)说,我们一直认为个体是无法预知的。

6.Indeed, Dr Bollen reckons, on the day the tweet was posted, America's collective mood perked up a notch.Bollen博士认为在状态发布当天,美国人集体情绪的确异常活跃。

7.To make every customer's experience at Pan Pacific Suzhou an unforgettable memory is what Mr. Bollen strives to achieve.让每一位客人在苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店的住宿体验成为难忘的美好回忆是陆博伦先生致力倡导的目标。

8.According to MIT's Technology Review, head researcher Johan Bollen and his team are announcing this news at Indiana University today.据《麻省理工技术学报》报道,该项研究带头人约翰•博伦和他的研究小组今天在印第安纳大学宣布了这则消息。

9.The fact that Twitter mood could predict the stock market's movements even in the middle of 2008 is also significant, Bollen added.博伦补充道,事实上,推特心情甚至可以在2008年中期的重大时刻预测股市走势。

10.Bollen and grad student Huina Mao stumbled on this computational crystal ball almost by accident.博伦和研究生毛慧娜是在无意中发现了这个科学计算得到的预言球的。