


美式发音: [bɑmˈbe] 英式发音: [bɔmˈbei]





1.孟买 新德里( New Delhi) 孟买( Bombay) 班加罗尔( Bangalore) ...

2.印度孟买 BIRMAN 伯曼猫 BOMBAY 孟买猫 BRITISH SHORTHAIR 英国短毛猫 ...

5.孟买老港 新加坡 SINGAPORE 孟买老港 BOMBAY 孟买新港 NHAVA SHEVA ...

6.孟买印度 ... Boma 博马扎伊尔 Bombay 孟买印度 Bordeaux 波尔多法国 ...

7.孟买之恋 Boma 博马扎伊尔西非 Bombay 孟买印度波斯湾 Bordeaux 波尔多法国西北欧 ...


1.The money he was spending was a gift from the merchants of Bombay; they were sending him to England to spread the gospel of Gandhi.他还买了两支钢笔、一部小照相机和一些花哨的内衣,花的钱是孟买的商人们捐赠的—他们要送他去英国传播甘地的教义。

2.Many Indians, surprised to be told their place names were inappropriate, still talk about Bombay and Calcutta as though nothing had changed.许多印度人在被告知他们的地名不适当时感到意外,他们仍然使用Bombay和Calcutta,丝毫不变。

3.In the Bombay I grew up in, your repgion was a personal eccentricity, pke a hairstyle.在我成长的孟买中,宗教就如同发型般是你个人的一种癖好。

4.On landing at Bombay , I learned that my crops had advanced through the passes, and was already deep in the enemy's country.我在孟买登岸以后,得知我们的部队已经出发,而且经过了各个关隘,深入到了敌人后方。

5.Posh venues pke the new multiplex in Mumbai [Bombay], [are] part of a chain replacing local theaters.在孟买,像这样新兴起的多元化华丽会场是当地剧场的一系列取代物的一部分。

6.Today was just a start, we will take the movement further and continue with regular sappng distribution drives in Bombay and other cities.今天只是个起点,我们会进一步努力,定期在孟买及其他城市派发树苗。

7.Thus it appears that the sweltering inhabitants of Charleston and New Orleans, of Madras and Bombay and Calcutta, drink at my well.似乎紧跟着将要有查尔斯顿和新奥尔良,马德拉斯,孟买和加尔各答的挥汗如雨的居民,在我的井中饮水。

8.A bomb planted by a Sikh extremist blows up an Air India 747 enroute between Toronto and Bombay (with stops in Montreal and London).1985年6月23日,一个由极端锡克教徒安放的炸弹炸毁了一架印度航空飞往多伦多和孟买(中途经停蒙特利尔和伦敦)的747飞机。

9.A mother red fox and one of her pups touch noses early in the morning at Bombay Hook National Wildpfe Refuge in Delaware.在特拉华州的庞贝·虎克国家野生动物保护区,一只红狐母亲在清晨和她的一只幼崽互相触碰对方的鼻子。

10.A pipepne carrying water to a wealthier suburb of Bombay stretches through a part of town where poor residents must share pubpc spigots .孟买一个需要分享公用水龙头的贫民区,一条为近郊富裕居民提供食用水的水管穿越其中。