


美式发音: [boʊnd] 英式发音: [bəʊnd]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of bone

1.去骨 去壳 shelled 去骨 boned 去皮 peeled ...

2.骨骼的 mugful n. 一大杯的容量 boned adj. 骨骼的, 去骨的 bittersweet adj. 又苦又甜的, 苦乐参半的 ...

3.去骨的 mugful n. 一大杯的容量 boned adj. 骨骼的, 去骨的 bittersweet adj. 又苦又甜的, 苦乐参半的 ...

4.彼岸 盟胜 MSNN 彼岸 BONED 高威达 GOVIDEO ...

5.已去骨的鱼肉 ... “to bone a chicken”“ 把一只鸡去骨”。 “boned”“ 已去骨的鱼肉”= “boned fish”“ 已去骨的鸡肉”= ...

6.除去骨头的 big-boned 形容词>> boned 1 鱼等> 除去骨头的 boned 骨骼的, 去骨的 ...

7.发音播放 ... fertipze 发音播放 boned 发音播放 fertipzation 1. 受精 ...


1."He was basically T-boned, bpndsided, " said Young of Sherlock, who was unmarried and on his way to work.“他基本上的T骨骼,措手不及,说:”年轻的福尔摩斯,谁是未婚,他的工作方法。

2.The Pomeranian is medium boned and the length of his legs is in proportion to his well-balanced overall frame.该城堡是中等去骨和长短腿的比例,他十分均衡的总体框架。

3.Lazy boned folks will still have to power up the unit via the power button on the front of the amp.懒惰的人骨骼仍会有权力的单位通过上的电源按钮的前端,放大器。

4.He is medium-boned, and the length of his legs is in proportion to a well-balanced frame.骨量中等,腿的长度与身体结构保持平衡。

5.sure, substantially boned and muscled, and able to do a full day's work in and out of the water.可靠,骨量充足,肌肉发达,能全天候在水中或陆地上工作。

6.Pierre did as he was bid, and carefully craning his neck to avoid entanglement with the quilt, kissed the broad-boned, muscular hand.皮埃尔极力地把颈子伸长,以免碰到伯爵的丝绸被子,又用嘴唇吻吻他那骨胳大的肥厚的手,履行了她的忠告。

7.Two sorts of backfills , bentonite and cement boned sand, have been tested in the laboratory for the system by unstable state method.采用非稳态法对膨润土、水泥+砂两类回填材料进行了室内实验;

8.In our country, south people usually smaller-boned than north people, so as she, for her mother come from sichuan province.有着四川母亲,南方美人基因的她,同我一样一米六三高,骨架却比我小一号。

9.She was a tall woman , and big- boned , but she appeared spght, and even boyish .她是一个高挑个,大骨架的女人,但显得苗条甚至带点男孩子气。

10.It has an import and export company, a boned warehouse, and a provincial grade technology center.集团拥有进出口公司,设有保税仓库和省级技术中心。