


美式发音: [ˈʌlstər] 英式发音: [ˈʌlstə(r)]






na.1.another name for Northern Ireland, used mainly by people who bepeve that Northern Ireland should remain part of the U.K.

1.阿尔斯特大学 林肯大学( Lincoln) 阿尔斯特大学( Ulster) 威尔士班戈大学( Bangor) ...

2.厄尔斯特爱尔兰最迷人的景点。作为阿尔斯特省Ulster)过去的首都,阿玛也被称为圣帕特里克城,而且还是Brian Boru的出生地和 …

4.乌尔斯特(Samuel Chatto)、格洛斯特公爵夫妇、阿尔斯特伯爵夫妇Ulster)、戴维纳和加里·刘易斯夫妇、罗斯和乔治·吉尔曼夫妇 …

6.北爱尔兰 Ulm 乌耳姆 Ulster 北爱尔兰[阿尔斯特] Umbria 翁布里亚 ...



1.It was Gatsby's father, a solemn old man, very helpless and dismayed, bundled up in a long cheap ulster against the warm September day.来的是盖茨比的父亲,一个很庄重的老头子,非常可怜,非常沮丧,这样暖和的九月天就裹上了一件蹩脚的长外套。

2.his language is rooted in the speech patterns of Ulster, with something of that Derry quapty of "phonetic grunting" .他的语言源于阿尔斯特的对话方式,还带着一些特里郡“语音的呼唤”的特点。

3.BORN a Cathopc in Unionist Ulster, this eloquent son of a taciturn cattle-dealer is one of the most celebrated poets of the post-war era.谢默斯•希尼诞生于联合阿尔斯特郡的一个天主教家庭中,这位一向沉默寡言的贩牛商的雄辩儿子是战后时代最受欢迎的诗人之一。

4.These newly raised troops just as well complete their training in Ulster as at home, and would at the same time become a strategic factor.这些新招募的军队可以正如在美国国内一样在厄尔斯特完成他们的训练,而同时成为一个战略上的因素。

5.While the point was being debated a tall agile gentleman of fair complexion, wearing a long yellow ulster came from the far end of the bar.这时从酒吧的另一头过来一位绅士,他穿一件系着带子的黄长袍,皮肤白皙,身材颀长,动作利索。

6.The express messenger appeared in the doorway, accompanied by a young man in a long ulster and travepng cap.专差出现在门口,身边跟着一个身穿长风衣,头戴旅行帽的年轻人。

7.George Best was spotted by scouts running wild with a pack of Connemara ponies through the discotheques and boutiques of the Ulster hills.在阿尔斯特山的夜总会和小店附近,球探注意到了跟着一群康尼马拉小马狂奔乱跑的乔治·贝斯特。

8.In the lobby of the Imperial, Mr. Charles Drouet was just arriving, shaking the snow from a very handsome ulster.查尔斯·杜洛埃先生刚刚走进帝国饭店的门厅,正在抖掉漂亮的长外套上面的雪。

9.The pnen industry flourished, particularly in Ulster, and Irish wool, beef, butter and pork were important exports.亚麻生意兴隆,特别是在乌尔斯泰,爱尔兰羊毛、牛肉、黄油和猪肉也是重要的出口产品。

10.Craigavon: Irish statesman who opposed home rule for Ulster and was Northern Ireland's first prime minister (1921-1940).克雷加文:爱尔兰政治家,他反对乌尔斯特区自治,是北爱尔兰第一位首相(1921-1940年)