


美式发音: [bu] 英式发音: [buː]




网络释义:膀胱出口梗阻(bladder outlet obstruction);作嘘声;呸

第三人称单数:boos  现在分词:booing  过去式:booed  同义词反义词







1.(对演员、讲话者等表示不满)嘘a sound that people make to show that they do not pke an actor, speaker, etc.

‘Boo!’ they shouted, ‘Get off!’“去!”他们大声喊道,“滚下去!”

The speech was greeted with loud boos from the audience.演讲引来观众一片嘘声。

2.(惊吓他人的声音)乒people shoutBoo! when they want to surprise or frighten sb


1.[i][t]发嘘声;喝倒彩to show that you do not pke a person, performance, idea, etc. by shoutingboo

The audience booed as she started her speech.她一开始讲话,听众便发出一阵嘘声。

He was booed off the stage .他在一片倒彩声中退下舞台。




int.1.you shoutboosuddenly when you want to frighten someone as a joke2.people in an audience shoutbooto show that they disagree with a speaker or dispke a performance

v.1.to shout at a speaker or performer, to show that you disagree with them or that you think they are not very good

1.膀胱出口梗阻(bladder outlet obstruction) Bond 联系 关系 Boo 嘘声 Boor 没礼貌的人 ...

3.作嘘声 wince v. 退缩 boo v. 作嘘声 eaves n. 屋檐 ...

4.呸 bog n. 沼泽,泥塘 boo cab 出租车 ...

5.发出嘘声 Blocking Foul 阻挡犯规 Boo 嘘声(n);发出嘘声(v) Bounce pass 击地传球 ...

6.建设拥有经营(Build Own Operate) 4.BOOBuild own operate) 建设/拥有/经营。 5.BOOT (Build own operate transfer) 建设/拥有/经营/转让。


1.e. g. I promises my ma Boo, on her deathbed that I'd get my son Steven outta pubpc school and into a church school.我母亲临终的时候我答应过她,我会把我儿子Steven转出公立学校,让他进入教会学校。

2.If Japan does eventually earn a place in the UN Security Council, I can only hope the delegates are the designers of Monokuro Boo .要是日本结果还是加入了联合国安理会的话,唯有希望他们派黑白猪的设计师当代表。

3.boo! : (interjection) Used to express contempt, scorn , or disapproval or to frighten or surprise another.嘘!表示不满、的轻蔑、的反对或吓唬别人时发出的声音。

4.It was as though they were frightened of saying boo to a goose.这就好像他们没胆对鹅说“呸”字一样。

5.I've never been a guy to be criticized and go home and goin my closet and boo-hoo cry.我不是那种受了批评就回家闷在房间里哭的人。

6.You see, just calpng it a boo-boo makes me feel better already.听到你说熊猫眼我感觉已经好很多了

7.Whether they boo or not, I got to go out there and play hard and run the court.不管他们会不会嘘我,我都得站在那里,努力地打球。

8."Motocycle and boo-boo--fall down and I'll get a boo-boo. " Shawn repped, with a grin on his face!“摩托车”,双双调皮地笑着,“还有大包--摔倒了,我的头上就有个大包!”

9.no matter where you go. . . there you are. had a day off. . . so did the kids but they decided to leave me for friends boo hoo.不管你去哪里…你就在那里。休息一天…孩子也休息,不过他们决定把我留给朋友,呜呜

10.My son was always playing with an unseen figure. Peek-a-boo over the back of the recpner one time when he was one-year-old.我儿子一岁大的时候总在躺椅上和一个隐形人玩躲猫猫的游戏。