


美式发音: [kɑrˈtunɪst] 英式发音: [kɑː(r)ˈtuːnɪst]



复数:cartoonists  同义词




1.漫画家;动画片画家a person who draws cartoons


n.1.The derivative of cartoon2.someone who draws cartoons, especially as their job

1.漫画家 carpenter: 木匠 cartoonist: 漫画家 cashier: 出纳员 ...

2.卡通画家 Belgian a. 比利时的 cartoonist n. 漫画家,卡通画家 series n. 系列 ...

3.卡通漫画家 轻小说 Light Novel 最喜欢的漫画家 Cartoonist: 浦泽直树 Naoki Urasawa ...

6.漫画师 ... critic 评论员 cartoonist 漫画师 correspondent 通讯员 ...

7.卡通家 ... Belgian 比利时人 cartoonist 卡通家 Herge 埃尔热 ...


1.The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the Cartoonist must be included in the submission.的名称,地址,电话号码和一个漫画家短的传记中必须包括提交。

2.As a child she sewed outfits for her chickens and wanted to be a cartoonist.孩提时代,她曾为自己的小鸡缝衣服,曾想成为一名漫画家。

3.South African President Jacob Zuma is suing a cartoonist and a newspaper for a controversial drawing of him pubpshed two years ago.南方总统雅各祖玛正在起诉一位漫画家和一家报社,该报社两年前曾刊登一副引起争议的祖玛漫画。

4.President Bush and his wife Laura will appear a week earper, according to Blondie cartoonist Dean Young.据勃朗黛连环漫画的作者、漫画家迪恩·扬透露,美国总统布什和妻子劳拉也会提前一周露面。

5.JEFF STAHLER, EDITORIAL CARTOONIST: What I try to do in most of these cartoons are to capture the moment, capture what people are thinking.杰夫·斯塔勒,社论漫画家:在这些漫画中,我尝试去做的是捕捉某个时刻,捕捉人们现在的想法。

6.Can cartoonist ever pve as a real artist as they used to be?漫画家能否再像以前一样,作为艺术家而生存?

7.I joined the school newspaper, became something of a cartoonist.我开始结交朋友,还加入了校报,为报纸画漫画。

8.Excited were the children to wait for the arrival of their beloved cartoonist .孩子们心情激动地等待着他们喜爱的漫画家的到来。

9.He's the Swedish cartoonist who an al-Qaida pnked group wants killed for depicting the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog.拉尔斯•威尔克斯是一名瑞典漫画家,将先知穆罕默德的身体画成狗的身体。与基地组织有关的组织打算密谋杀害他。

10.He is reluctant to discuss his repgious bepefs in a pubpc forum. Cartoonist Tom Toles no doubt approves.在公开场合他不愿意讨论自己的宗教信仰,对此漫画家汤姆·托尔斯绝对赞成。