


美式发音: [ˈbʊɡər] 英式发音: [ˈbʊɡə(r)]






1.(干结的)鼻屎a piece of dried mucus from inside your nose

— see alsobogey


n.1.<informal>a piece of the soft substance from inside your nose, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<informal>an annoying person

1.鼻屎 342. Recycled Paper 再生纸 343. Booger 鼻屎 344. Steam 蒸汽 ...

2.干鼻涕 ... 52 Bones 骨头 53 Booger 干鼻涕 55 Bread 面包 ...

3.布格 ... 耳垢篇 Earwax 鼻屎篇 Booger 眼屎篇 Eye Discharge ...

5.鼻屎就是 ... 挖耳朵的东西叫做 earpick, 鼻屎就是 booger. 耳屎呢就是 earwax. ...

6.鼻屎乾 ... Blueberry 蓝莓 Booger 鼻屎乾 Buttered Popcorn 奶油爆玉米花 ...

7.干燥的鼻黏液 tripe n. 内脏 booger n. 干燥的鼻黏液 spell n. 符咒,魔力 ...

8.鼻史的日常用法 挖耳屎: Digs the earwax 鼻史的日常用法- -booger 耳屎- -earwax ...


1.Come on! You can just walk up to a girl and say: "If you were a booger I' d pick you first. "嗨,老兄!你只要走到一个女孩的跟前然后对她说:“如果你是布格,我很喜欢选择和你一起。”

2.Even a country the size of a booger brazenly criticized Taiwan and former president Lee Teng-hui in the United Nations.新加坡就像鼻屎一样小,还在联合国耀武扬威,批评台湾及前总统李登辉,这根本就是在捧中国的卵葩。

3.Stay away from me, booger! Nobody wants you to be around here.离我远点,讨厌鬼!这里没人想和你在一起。

4.There's a massive booger hanging out of your nose, please clean it!你鼻子上挂了一团鼻涕,把它擦干净吧。

5.So you're taking us with you, right, Booger?那你会把我们都带走是吧,博格?

6."Booger-Jedi. . . " said Luke, happily reaching for the Master's ears. Obi-Wan took the infant wordlessly .“臭臭-绝地……”卢克说着,很高兴地伸手去拽大师的长耳朵。奥比万默默无言地把娃娃抱了过去。

7.Tom is a booger, so no one wants to play with him.汤姆是个讨厌鬼,没人愿意和他玩。

8.If you were a booger I'd pick you first.如果你是一个鼻屎,我会先把你抠掉。

9.He was a booger when he was a child.他童年的时候是个惹人厌的家伙。

10.Fpps booger with knife toward invisible intruder, rolls over, turns off pght.他拿着小刀,朝那无形的夜袭者弹了一下鼻屎,翻个身,关灯。