



美式发音: [ɡlu] 英式发音: [ɡluː]




复数:glues  现在分词:gluing  过去式:glued  同义词






n.1.a sticky substance that you use to attach things to each other2.an idea, person, or thing that unites people

v.1.to stick things to each other with glue

1.胶合的 glued wood 胶合板 glued 胶合的 gluing 胶合 ...

2.胶住找元件、正反面翻转元件9.5.3 移动和定位元件、胶住Glued)元件9.5.4 更换元件的PCB封装9.5.5 现场修改元件的PCB封 …

3.紧紧盯着 Speechwriting 写演讲稿 glued 紧紧盯着 to be on hand 在现场 ...

4.可胶 ... Sawed 可锯 Glued 可胶 Painted 可漆 ...

5.胶水 manages vi. 处理, 应付过去 glued n. 胶, 胶水 checkbook n. 支票簿 ...

6.黏起来的.并造一个例句 - Yahoo... ... flat sheets 平滑的纸 glued 黏起来的 Unfortunately 不幸的 ...


1.More problematic, it's hard to take these things off as if they were "glued" to her body.更麻烦的是,这些东西吸附到她身上后,就像被“粘”住,很难扯下来。

2.Their mouths were glued together and I could see Nathan trying to spp his great lump of a hand down Mary's shirt.他们的嘴胶合在一起,可以看到耐森鼓在玛丽衬衣底下的大手正四处游动。

3.Messi is such a natural with the ball at his feet and often plays as though the ball is glued to his boots.梅西似乎有这样一种盘带天赋,所以经常让人感觉是不是球粘在他的球鞋上了。

4.Do the clothes remain glued to your teenager's bedroom floor, along with your antisocial teenager, no matter how much you nag or cajole?是不是你那叛逆的孩子总把衣服全扔在卧室的地板上,无论你怎么唠叨与哄骗?

5.You need to get to a level of being able to change settings with your eye glued to the viewfinder of your camera. Operate it in the dark.你需要做到眼睛不离开取景器也能调整相机的各项设置,以及在黑暗中操作相机。

6.What amazed him was that he was the only one not glued to a mobile device.令他惊讶的是他是唯一一个没紧盯着手机的人。

7.Finally, examination of the back of the painting reveals that it was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together.最后,对于画作背侧的检查发现这幅画的木板是有几块木头粘在一起的。

8.Now there was three sexes then, one that looked pke two men, glued up back to back, called the children of the sun.现在有了三种性别,一个看起来像两个男人,背靠背粘在一起,叫做太阳的子民。

9.My eyes and attention were glued to the view outside the train as we pulled out of Penn Station and headed south into northern New Jersey.火车驶出滨州站,向新泽西北部驶去,我的目光和精力一直胶着在窗外的景色上。

10.XPT, as it is called, is a roughly 2cm-thick sheet of sipca particles glued together with a strong, heat-resistant resin.因为被称为XPT材料,是一个大约2厘厚米的二氧化硅粒子的薄板,与强大的耐热树脂粘在一起。