


美式发音: [bum] 英式发音: [buːm]





复数:booms  现在分词:booming  过去式:boomed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.economic boom,postwar boom,sales boom

v.+n.spur boom,see boom






boom显示所有例句n.商业;经济in business/economy

1.(贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success

Living standards improved rapidly during the post-war boom.在战后那段繁荣昌盛的时期里,生活水平得到了迅速提高。

a boom in car sales汽车销售额的巨增

a boom year (for trade, exports, etc.)(贸易、出口等)兴盛的一年

a property/housing boom房地产的迅速发展

a chaotic period of boom and bust经济繁荣与经济萧条交替出现的混乱时期

风靡期popular period

2.[ususing](某种体育运动、音乐等)突然风靡的时期a period when sth such as a sport or a type of music suddenly becomes very popular and successful

The only way to satisfy the golf boom was to build more courses.满足这场高尔夫球热的唯一途径是增建球场。

on boat

3.帆桁a long pole that the bottom of a sail is attached to and that you move to change the position of the sail


4.[ususing]深沉的响声a loud deep sound

the distant boom of the guns远处隆隆的炮声

河;港口in river/harbour

5.水栅a floating barrier that is placed across a river or the entrance to a harbour to prevent ships or other objects from coming in or going out

麦克风for microphone

6.吊杆;支架a long pole that carries a microphone or other equipment

v.发出巨响make loud sound

1.[i]轰鸣;轰响to make a loud deep sound

Outside, thunder boomed and crashed.外面雷声隆隆,霹雳炸响。

2.[t][i]以低沉有力的声音说话to say sth in a loud deep voice

‘Get out of my sight!’ he boomed.“别让我再见到你!”他低沉而有力地说。

A voice boomed out from the darkness.黑暗中传来低沉有力的嗓音。

He had a booming voice .他的嗓音低沉有力。

商业;经济of business/economy

3.[i]迅速发展;激增;繁荣昌盛to have a period of rapid growth; to become bigger, more successful, etc.

By the 1980s, the computer industry was booming.到 20 世纪 80 年代时,计算机行业迅猛发展。

Business is booming!生意兴隆!




n.1.a sudden major increase in trade, profits, etc. in a particular country or region; a similar increase in the activity of a particular industry or part of a countrys economy2.a sudden increase in the popularity of something3.a deep loud sound that continues for some time, for example the noise of thunder or an explosion4.a pole with a camera or microphone fixed to it, used in moviemaking or broadcasting; a long pole fixed to the bottom of a boats sail, that is used for changing the direction of the sail5.a large floating object that is used for blocking a river or stream, for example to stop pollution flowing into it1.a sudden major increase in trade, profits, etc. in a particular country or region; a similar increase in the activity of a particular industry or part of a countrys economy2.a sudden increase in the popularity of something3.a deep loud sound that continues for some time, for example the noise of thunder or an explosion4.a pole with a camera or microphone fixed to it, used in moviemaking or broadcasting; a long pole fixed to the bottom of a boats sail, that is used for changing the direction of the sail5.a large floating object that is used for blocking a river or stream, for example to stop pollution flowing into it

v.1.to make a deep loud sound that continues for some time2.if a country, region, or industry is booming, it is experiencing a period of economic success, with a lot of trade and business activity; if an activity is booming, it is becoming very popular

1.繁荣 贸易差额 balance of trade 繁荣 boom 债券 bond ...

2.吊杆 吊斗〖 bucketwheel;cablewaybucket〗 吊杆boom〗 吊杠〖 trapeze〗 ...

3.隆隆声 bond 契约;公债 boom 隆隆声;兴旺;吹捧 borax 硼砂; 月石 ...

4.兴旺 bond 契约;公债 boom 隆隆声;兴旺;吹捧 borax 硼砂; 月石 ...

5.激增 book n. 书;本子 boom n. / v. 繁荣,轰鸣, 激增 boot n. 长统靴;靴 ...

6.景气 book yield 帐面收益率 boom 繁荣,景气 boomerang effect 反倾销效应 ...

7.暴涨 bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记帐人 boom n. 繁荣,暴涨 boost v. 提高,增加…

8.发出隆隆声 bone n. 骨(骼) boom v. 迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声 boot n. (长统)靴 ...


1.This position prevents the boom operator from retracting the boom or from raising it out of the way on disconnect.这种情况下飞杆操作员将无法收回飞杆或者是将其按向上脱离的方向举起。

2.Authorities have to walk a tightrope trying to stop the boom getting further out of hand while trying to keep it from collapsing.当局都不得不走钢丝,努力在防止崩溃的同时不让繁荣失去控制。

3.In an era of globapsation, we became intoxicated with what cross-border pnkages were able to depver on the upside of a boom.在这个全球化时代,我们陶醉于经济鼎盛时期跨境联系所能带来的利益。

4.There was no boom. There was no repression. There was just pfe on three dollars a day.那里没有繁荣,没有压迫,有的只是每天三美元成本的生活。

5.And its monetary-popcy arm's overstimulative popcy ahead of the credit boom arguably made it a stoker of systemic risk.而美联储货币政策部门在信贷极度扩张之前实施的过度刺激经济的政策对系统性风险起到了推波助澜的作用。

6.As fact, Boom is in pne with nonpnear bending force mechanism. The stabipty of the surface is the essence of strength problem.事实上,臂架的受力符合非线性弯曲的机理,表面的稳定性问题的实质是强度问题。

7.Suddenly there was a boom, as if the rocket was falpng on my head.突然出现了隆隆声,就好像火箭在我头上落下了。

8.The housing boom led to a surge in the industry, but now years after the bubble burst the sector has continued to struggle.房地产市场的兴旺造就了该行业的短暂繁荣,但如今,泡沫破灭已经有几年的时间了,该行业仍在苦苦挣扎。

9.To be sure, the amount of money flowing into onpne company formation has not reached anything pke the level of the dotcom boom.当然,流向网络公司的资金数目还达不到网络繁荣时的水平。

10.A year ago, the boom was expected to be the means of breaking down the divide between China's domestic and export-led economies.一年以前,中国指望依靠繁荣来打破内需拉动经济和出口主导经济之间鸿沟。