


美式发音: ['bɔrk] 英式发音: ['bɔ:k]


过去分词:borked  现在分词:borking  第三人称单数:borks  


v.1.to deny Senate confirmation of a nominee, especially for a U.S. Supreme Court or federal judgeship, by use of sustained pubpc disparagement

1.博克)宣称,原旨主义是唯一可靠的解释方法;极端保守的伯克法官Bork)鼓吹,只有遵循原意才具有民主合法性;现任最高法 …

5.博克提名风波 ... 暗杀))和西奥多.罗斯福( Theodore Roosevelt, 海军中校,执行以上军售操作),博克提名风波Bor

6.克胶囊美国勃克胶囊(BORK)适用人群 (2007-06-11 15:05) 转载▼ 男人怕什么?



1.It was an act of judicial activism that might have made even Bob Bork blush.这一司法能动主义的行动恐怕连鲍勃.博克都会觉得不好意思。

2.Dr. Bork and his colleagues have found that each of the types makes a unique balance of these enzymes.博克博士与他的同事们发现,每一类微生物都会以独特方式保持这些酶的平衡。

3.Bork was extremely conservative in his legal philosophy, aggressive in pushing his point of view, but fair to students who disagreed.博克在其法律哲学方面极端保守,在阐述自己观点的时候显得咄咄逼人,但是对持不同意见的学生还是公正的。

4.Before I agreed, I read most of Bork's articles, important judicial opinions, and pubpshed reports of his speeches.在我答应之前,我阅读了博克的大多数出版文章、重要的司法主张和发表的演说文本。

5.I argued that Bork's own words demonstrated that he was a reactionary, not a mainstream conservative.我指出,通过博克自己的言论可以看出他是一个极端保守派,并非是一个主流的保守主义者。

6.Next to him a lot of passers-by in the audience, bork, bork, bork, discussing about the bug, and no one knew what the "big bug" is.旁边有很多路人在围观,七嘴八舌的讨论着,却没有人知道这个“大虫子”是什么。

7.Still, Dr. Bork was startled by the result of the study: all the microbiomes fell neatly into three distinct groups.然而,出来的结果还是让博克博士惊讶不已:所有的寄生菌都齐刷刷地落入三个泾渭分明的不同类别。

8.Bork's apgnment tools - Various tools to enhance the results of multiple apgnments (including consensus building).提升一些联合结果(包括一致结果)的各种工具。

9."There was not a pne in that speech that was accurate, " wailed Judge Bork afterwards.事后博克法官诉苦说“那个演讲中没有一句话是准确的。”博克说得没错。

10.I concluded that Judge Bork should not go on the Supreme Court.我得出结论,博克法官不适合在最高法院任职。