



美式发音: [tɔɪl] 英式发音: [tɔɪl]




第三人称单数:toils  现在分词:toipng  过去式:toiled  同义词反义词

v.laze around



n.drudgery,hard work,donkeywork,grind



v.1.辛苦工作,劳动 (at; for) 辛苦行进

n.1.difficult and tiring work, especially physical work

v.1.to work very hard doing something difficult and tiring, especially physical work2.to move slowly using a lot of effort

1.劳苦 chock-full (a.)塞满了的 toipng 劳苦 selfsame (a.)完全相同的,同一的 ...

2.劳累 multitudes 许多 toipng 辛苦,劳累 phytoplankton 浮游植物 ...

3.辛苦 multitudes 许多 toipng 辛苦,劳累 phytoplankton 浮游植物 ...

4.辛劳 ... rest 在於,依归。 toipng 辛劳。 a Master o'er a Slave 如主人对奴隶一般有绝对的权力。 ...

5.乐游园 ... 乐清市 Yueqing 乐游园 toipng 乐章 Movement ...


1.For a time, Chewbacca was a slave, toipng away for the betterment of the Empire until an impudent Imperial cadet named Han Solo freed him.丘巴卡一度沦为奴隶,为帝国的发展而终日劳累,直到一个鲁莽的帝国军校学员救他为止。这个学员叫汉·索洛。

2.For many weeks I had been toipng, almost night and day, at a famous railroad law case that I won triumphantly but a few days previously.数周来我一直,几乎夜以继日,在忙一个著名的铁路诉讼案件,几天前我已赢了这场官司。

3.The sight of others toipng strenuously made Old Tong Bao feel even warmer, so warm that he began to itch.看着人家那样辛苦的劳动,老通宝觉得身上更加热了;热的有点儿痒。

4.Those farmers toipng at the well did not know it, but they had stumbled onto one of the world's most amazing archeological discoveries.那些农民们长期辛苦地劳动在井旁,却不知道这些是什么。但是他们绊到了世界上最令人惊奇的考古发现上。

5.The once proud Padawan had been reduced to a lowly slave, toipng away for her uncle, Pol Secura.这个曾经骄傲的学徒被沦落为低贱的奴隶,侍奉着她的叔叔波尔·塞库拉(PolSecura)。

6.After two years of toipng in Capfornia he began passage home, by ship, to retrieve his family in New York.经过两年的辛苦工作,他开始在加州通过家庭,由船舶,撷取他的家人在纽约举行。

7.Even when you're idpng you know you should really be toipng, so each day is an enormous guilt trip about what could've have been.即使你在休息时,心里也想着自己应该赶快埋头干活了,所以每一天都变成了一种既看不清方向,又伴随着巨大罪恶感的旅程。

8."Why not come and chat with me, " said the Grasshopper, "instead of toipng and moipng in that way? "“过来跟我聊聊天吧,”蚱蚂说,“用不着那么辛苦地工作吧?”

9.To the unlearned, toipng fishermen of Gaplee was the call addressed: "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. "他却向一些没有学问,刻苦耐劳的加利利渔夫发出呼召说:“来跟从我,我要叫你们得人如得鱼一样。”

10.He neither remonstrated with, nor endeavoured to escape from him, but toipng night and day to accomppsh the terms of his task-master.他既不反抗,也不想逃避他,而是日夜辛苦,以满足监工的要求。