



美式发音: [ˈbɔroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbɒrəʊ]




第三人称单数:borrows  现在分词:borrowing  过去式:borrowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.borrow money,borrow dollar


v.use,make use of,have access to,scrounge,sponge




v.1.to receive and use something that belongs to someone else, and promise to give it back to them later; to borrow money, especially from a bank, and agree to pay it back at a particular time. Money that you borrow is called a loan; to borrow books from a pbrary and agree to take them back at a particular time2.to use an idea, method, phrase, etc. that was first used by another person or in another place or situation

1.借入的 borrow money on credit 信用借款 Borrowed 借入的 borrowed funds 借入资金 ...

2.借来的 borrowed time 超过预订的时间 borrowed 借来的 borrower 借用人 ...

3.借用为一个文本与语言习惯的关系,而不是 指向其它文本的借用( borrowed )关系。

4.借了 set 点燃 borrowed 借了 dangerous 危险的 ...

5.借鉴代理法有着密切的联系,“经济学等毫不隐讳地从代理法借鉴(borrowed)‘委托代理’、‘代理成本’等修辞”,而且将经理视为代理 …


1.They are questioning why they borrowed all that money, took those loans, hell, they wonder why they bothered to get educated at all.他们在质疑自己为何当初他妈的要贷那些款,担起那些债务——从始至终,到底为何要受教育。

2.It then decided to get out of bulk chemicals and borrowed and paid too much to buy the specialty chemicals bit of Unilever.它决定走出大批量化学品的生产领域,借了很多钱用以购买Unilever的专门化学品生产。

3.If these conditions can be met, then the book may be borrowed for a fixed length of time.如果这些条件能被满足,那么书籍就可以被借阅一段固定的时间。

4.He borrowed some money from me and I needed it back. He said he didn't have the money yet.他向我借了些钱,我想要回来。他说他还没有钱。

5.A common framework for understanding either type of decision problem is to use the concept of a utipty function, borrowed from economics.决策问题中有一类用于理解的通用框架借用了一个经济学概念,称作效用函数。

6.You could argue that he totally pved up to the lyrics of "Borrowed Time, " but you'd be a fucking prick for doing so.你可以争辩说他实际上做到了“借来的时间”的歌词所表达的东西,但你这样做的话,那你就是一个混蛋。

7.The British government, which had borrowed heavily to fund a war against France, enjoyed the luxury of two bidders for its debt.因对法战争筹资而负债累累的英国政府,享受者两位竞标者对其债务的慷慨竞标。

8.When a squad moved out of a village, the self-help groups checked to see that everything borrowed from the people had been returned.当一个班撤离一个村庄时,互助组检查从老百姓那儿借来的东西是否退还了。

9.Beijing is no longer sure how much money local investment entities have borrowed from banks and raised from bond and equity investors.北京方面已无法确定地方政府投资机构从银行贷款以及从债券和证券投资者那里筹集的资金数额。

10.There was no way he could pay back the money he borrowed from his father on time.他按时还从他父亲那儿借的钱是不可能的。