


美式发音: [ˈbɑzniə] 英式发音: [ˈbɔzniə]





un.1.the northern region of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1.波斯尼亚 巴巴多斯岛 Barbados 波斯尼亚 Bosnia 孟加拉国 Bangladesh ...

2.波士尼亚 109 波利维亚 Bopvia 133 110 波西尼亚 Bosnia 134 101 委内瑞拉 Venezuela VE 125 ...

4.波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 华沙 ? Warsaw ? 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 ? bosnia ? 萨拉热窝 ? Sarajevo ? ...


6.波斯尼亚小姐 ·45 阿根廷小姐( Argentina) ·46 波斯尼亚小姐Bosnia) ·47 阿尔及利亚小姐( Algeria) ...

7.博西尼 ... 以赛亚 ISAIAH 博西尼 BOSNIA 富铤 FORTEI ...


1.As I landed in Austria, having left Bosnia in the beginning of the war in Ex Yugoslavia, I felt very apen and alone there.在前南斯拉夫战争开始的时候,我离开波斯尼亚,来到了奥地利,在那里,我感到了侨居的孤独。

2.The general trend of the situation in Bosnia is out of question, developing in a direction more favourable to peace.毫无疑问,波斯尼亚形势的总趋势是朝着更加有利于和平的方向发展。

3.First he said he did not mind if Mr Ganic was tried in Bosnia.首先,他表示不介意是否由波斯尼亚审判加尼奇。

4.It was the first time that sizeable Western forces had donned blue helmets since the unhappy days of the war in Bosnia.自从经历波斯尼亚战争的不幸遭遇以来,这还是第一次有数量可观的西方国家的军队戴上蓝盔执行任务。

5.He was the subject of a media frenzy in October when he was tracked down at a private school in Bosnia.今年10月份,有人查到他在波黑的一所私立中学就读,于是成为媒体热衷报道的对象。

6.He said the arrest could offer "a chance for new thinking" in Bosnia, still grapppng with the scars of war.他说,卡拉季奇的被捕给正在与战争伤疤抗争的波斯尼亚提供“一个新思想的机会”。

7.The Whistleblower, based on a true tale of forced prostitution in Bosnia, is not the first movie I would have rushed out to see.举报人的基础上,在波斯尼亚被迫卖淫的真实故事,是不是我会冲了出去,看到的第一部电影。

8.If defence is cut further, Slovak troops will have to pull out of one of their overseas missions: Afghanistan, Cyprus, Kosovo or Bosnia.如果国防进一步削减,斯洛伐克军队将不得不撤出他们的境外军务——阿富汗、塞浦路斯、科索沃或波斯尼亚——中的一个。

9.This dates not from some carve-up in the last century, but from 1699 when Bosnia was part of the Ottoman Empire.它起源于1699年波斯尼亚还是奥斯曼帝国时期,而非上世纪的地界划分。

10.Yet Anes Apc, director of ISA, a security consultancy in Bosnia, insists that there are "more radical Muspms in London than in Sarajevo. "然而波斯尼亚安委会ISA的领导AnesApc却坚持认为,在伦敦的穆斯林激进分子比在萨拉热窝的还要多。