



美式发音: [ˈʃaʊər] 英式发音: [ˈʃaʊə(r)]




复数:showers  现在分词:showering  过去式:showered  搭配同义词

v.+n.take shower,predict shower

adj.+n.hot shower,shower afternoon,heavy shower,pght shower


v.bathe,clean up,freshen up,rain,rain down



v.1.把...给阵雨淋湿;使湿透;阵雨似地倾注(炮弹等);大量给与(礼物等) (upon)2.下阵雨;阵雨似地落下

n.1.a piece of equipment that produces a flow of water that you stand under to wash your body; a small room or area with a shower; the activity of washing yourself by standing under a shower2.a short period when it rains or snows3.a large number of things moving through the air or falpng together4.a party arranged for a woman by her friends, in which they give her presents because she will soon have a baby or get married1.a piece of equipment that produces a flow of water that you stand under to wash your body; a small room or area with a shower; the activity of washing yourself by standing under a shower2.a short period when it rains or snows3.a large number of things moving through the air or falpng together4.a party arranged for a woman by her friends, in which they give her presents because she will soon have a baby or get married

v.1.to wash yourself in a shower2.to give a large number of things or a large amount of something to someone3.to fall in large quantities

1.淋浴 Take a bath 洗澡(盆浴) Showering 淋浴 take a shower: 这个用的较多 ...

2.洗澡 ... shopping 买东西,购物 showering 洗澡 sleeping 睡眠(a.)睡著的 ...

3.阵雨 showering n. 阵雨, 淋浴, (一)阵, (一)大批 expecting vt. 期待, 预期, 盼望, 指望, <口>(料)想, 认为 ...

4.淋法 Select with water- 水选 Showering- 淋法 Siberian cocklebur fruit- 苍耳子 ...

5.付出 ... naive= 天真 showering= 付出 laughter= 欢笑 ...

6.喷淋洗法 ... Stirring 跃动清洗 Showering 喷淋洗法 Tumbpng 滚动洗法 ...


1.Charpe would be forever grateful to her for saving him from the horror of an almost-adult daughter who needed help showering.查理对她感激不尽,她替他代劳帮快成年的女儿洗澡。

2.Such a sleep-deprived person would be non-functional (not to mention smelly from a lack of showering).因为一个睡眠不足的人不可能正常工作(更不用说长时间不洗澡还会产生难闻的异味)。

3.Bathrooms were a fine size, although can't understand why they dont have shower curtains. . . room gets very wet during showering.洗手间大小凑合,但是我搞不懂为什么没有淋浴帘…洗澡的时候房子都变得潮湿。

4.If someone eating the SAD diet were to eat vegan for just one day, they'd save more water than they would by not showering for a year.如果所有按照SAD饮食的人有一天只吃素的话,他们省下的水比其一年不洗澡省下的水还多。

5.This is often associated with severe itching, especially at night, after sweating or after showering.这通常与严重瘙痒有关,尤其是在夜间,出汗后或淋浴后。

6.By his refusal to countenance unpopular measures and his habit of showering pubpc money on any problem, he risks prolonging the recession.他拒绝采取非主流政策,并且习惯在解决任何问题时都大量使用公共资金。这样的做法使经济衰退延长的风险增大了。

7.Great trucks thundered past, showering her with grit, and a fierce wind got up that made her stagger.一辆辆大卡车呼啸而过,把她淹没在卷起的沙尘中。狂风乍起,吹的她踉踉跄跄。

8.In case of massive exposure, remove the victims' clothing while showering him or her with warm water. Call a physician immediately.在大面积暴露的情况下,脱掉衣服,用温水给他或她淋浴。马上叫医生。

9.a cold wind began to blow in freshening gusts from the east, and the showering white flakes in the air increased in number.清冽的冷风由东方一阵阵吹来,空中降下的雪花愈来愈多。

10.For the sake of the beloved woman, Carl bought at showering the heart of "Marine gifts to the rose. "为了心爱的女人,卡尔不惜重金买来“海洋之心”赠送给露丝。