




1.波士顿红袜队 Chicago Cubs 芝加哥小熊 Boston Red Sox 波斯顿红袜 NFL-Washington Redskins 华盛顿红皮肤队 ...

4.给波士顿红袜otball Club)周三同意将利物浦足球队出售给波士顿红袜(Boston Red Sox)俱乐部,但由于利物浦足球队的所有者依然持反对意 …


1.The Toronto Blue Jays, Detroit Tigers, Montreal Expos, Milwaukee Brewers and Boston Red Sox all gave us a warm welcome.多伦多蓝鸟队、底特律猛虎队、蒙特利尔博览会队、密尔沃基酿酒人队、波斯顿红袜队都热烈欢迎我们去演奏。

2.It was announced today that the club have accepted an offer to sell to NESV, who own baseball's Boston Red Sox.俱乐部今天声明,已接受NESV的报价。这个NESV同时还拥有着波斯顿红袜棒球队。

3.Champagne Shower The Boston Red Sox celebrate their second World Series win in four years.冠军荣耀沐球队波士顿红袜棒球队为四年内第二次夺冠而庆祝。

4.Now, imagine the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series.现在,假设波士顿红袜棒球队赢得了世界系列赛。

5.The curse of the Bambino is broken. The Boston Red Sox win the World Series for the first time since 1919.貝比魯斯魔咒被打破,波士顿红袜队自1919年以来首次获得美国职业棒球联盟冠军。

6.Now the deal has been done and we can look forward, do you see similarities between Liverpool now and the Boston Red Sox team you took over?现在已成定局了,我们可以展望一下未来了,在你看来,红袜和利物浦,有什么相似之处么?