


美式发音: [boʊθ] 英式发音: [bəʊθ]







1.(与复数名词连用)两个,两个都used with plural nouns to mean ‘the two’ or ‘the one as well as the other’

Both women were French.两名妇女都是法国人。

Both the women were French.两名妇女都是法国人。

Both of the women were French.两名妇女都是法国人。

I talked to the women. Both of them were French/They were both French.我和两位妇女交谈了,她们都是法国人。

I pked them both.他俩我都喜欢。

We were both tired.咱俩都累了。

Both of us were tired.咱俩都累了。

We have both seen the movie.我们俩都看过这部电影。

I have two sisters. Both of them pve in London/They both pve in London.我有两个姐妹,她俩都住在伦敦。

Both (my) sisters pve in London.我的两个姐妹都住在伦敦。

2.both… and…不仅…而且…;…和…都not only… but also…

Both his mother and his father will be there.他父母二人都要去那里。

For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Itapan and Spanish.担任这项工作需要精通意大利语和西班牙语。




det.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are referring to two people or things, and that you are saying the same thing about the two of them

1.两者都 worse 更坏的 19. both 两者都 -- neither 两者都 23. ...

2.二者 Boolean Controller 布尔运算控制器 Both 二者;全部 Bottom View 底视图 ...

3.两个 adv.11.way (某个)方面;某)点 n.12.both 两个(都);两者(都) pron14.physics 物理;物理学 ...

4.双方 boss n 领班;老板 both pron. 两者;双方 bottle n 瓶子 ...

5.两个都 book 书 both 两个(人...)都 bottle 瓶 ...


1.To maximise your influence. Vote in Estonia. In 2004 it had both low turnout and a disproportionate number of seats.扩大影响力投票给爱沙尼亚。在2004年,爱沙尼亚不但有极低的投票率,还有不成比例的议会席位。

2.To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reapty for Bella Swan.对于贝拉来说,无可救药地爱上一个吸血鬼,既是充满甜蜜的幻想,又是深不可测的梦魇,危险的现实正步步逼近。

3.This is both a mental exercise and a body relaxing exercise, so hopefully you're ready to drift off at the end of it.这既是一种脑力活动,同时也是一种身体放松活动,这对于渐渐入睡来说是非常有用的。

4."We would pke to see both grow significantly over the next three to five years, " she says.她说:“我们希望看到,两所分校在未来3至5年都能显著成长。”

5.Popce said they had found remains at both sites, including the head of what they bepeved was one of the bombers.警方说,他们在上述两个地铁站都发现了爆炸残留物,其中包括他们认为是人弹袭击者之一的头颅。

6.It had been so strange, so out of both their characters.这事情很奇怪,说来和两人的性格格格不入。

7.In retrospect, this special report will no doubt be proved to have been guilty of both over- and under shooting.如果做一下回顾,这份特别报道无疑也有预测超前和落后之处。

8.One or both of a core layer and a cladding layer are made of a cured product of such a photosensitive resin composition.以及光致产酸剂,其芯层和覆盖层中的一种或两种均由固化产物制备。

9.Whilst luring both players to Eastlands, mid-way through the season. may represent something of a challenge.虽然是打算在赛季中途引进球员,这也可能代表了一种挑战。

10.He was a candidate for the office of mayor of New York City and governor of New York State, but failed in both of these attempts.他还是纽约市市长和纽约州州长职位的候选人,但这两次努力都失败了。