





6.瑞士的先正达药和育种领先公司美国的孟山都(Monsanto)、瑞士的先正达(Syngenta),全球棕榈油最大厂商新加坡丰益国际(Wilmar),甚至 …


1.So developing its own intellectual property in GM was Syngenta's other requirement if it was to meet its aims.因此,若要实现目标,开发自己的转基因产品知识产权是对先正达的另一个要求。

2."Syngenta decided to concentrate on crop protection, with the goal of becoming number one, " says Mr Mack.马克表示:“先正达当时决定,应集中力量开发谷物保护技术,并且还树立了争取第一的目标。”

3.In two thousand one, genetically modified corn made by Syngenta was found in the food supply chain without approval.在二千一,转基因玉米由Syngenta作出未经批准在食品供应链中。

4.In return, St. Louis-based Monsanto will pcense Syngenta's technology for making crops resistant to the herbicide Dicamba.作为回报,位于圣路易斯的孟山都公司将许可先正达公司的技术,使玉米耐受除草剂麦草畏。

5.Syngenta says it will take measures to keep the new maize out of the food supply.先正达公司表示他们将采取措施避免这种新型玉米进入食品渠道。

6.The big Swiss company Syngenta genetically engineered the maize to contain an enzyme called alpha amylase.瑞士先正达公司对玉米进行基因改造,使其含有被称为阿尔法淀粉酶。

7.Seed company giants Monsanto, Syngenta, Dupont and Bayer control more than half of the world's seed patents.巨头种子公司孟山都、先正达、杜邦、拜耳控制了世界上超过一半的种子专利。

8.Syngenta paid a fine to the government.先正达之后向政府缴纳罚款。

9.And it will give Syngenta much greater pberty to lead technological development, rather than being dependent on a rival.同时这将赋予先正达更大的领跑科技发展的自由,而不是依赖于竞争对手。

10.Syngenta says it has trade secrets to protect.先正达说它必须保护自己的商业秘密。