


美式发音: [ˈboʊldər] 英式发音: [ˈbəʊldə(r)]



复数:boulders  同义词




1.(受水或天气侵蚀而成的)巨石;漂砾a very large rock which has been shaped by water or the weather


n.1.a very large rock or piece of stone

1.博尔德 borrow area 采泥区 boulder 巨砾;砾石;散石 boulder clause 巨砾条款 ...

3.波尔德 botanical adj. 植物(学)的 boulder n. 巨石 bounteous adj. 慷慨的,丰富的 ...

5.漂石 cataclasite 碎 裂 岩 boulder 漂石、 顽石 cobble 卵石 ...

6.科罗拉多州的博尔德  科罗拉多州的博尔德(Boulder)是落基山脉下的一个稳定社区,也是一座居民热爱的城市。除了如画的风景和户外休闲机会以外…

7.科罗拉多州的波尔得2008年美国科罗拉多州的波尔得(Boulder)已经成为了全美第一个智能电网城市,每户家庭都安装了智能电表,人们可以很直观 …

8.科罗拉多州博尔德我住在科罗拉多州博尔德Boulder)一个翻修过的车库里,做兼职工作赚取生活费用,写了几十篇短文,每一篇解释星系排列 …


1.However, the trees at the top right are situated close to the intersection of the image, along with the large boulder on the bottom left.不过,右上方树木的位置就在一个直线的交叉点附近,左下侧巨石也同样如此。

2.Later that year he took about 50 members of the creative team with him to Boulder.之后他带走了大约50名创意团队的员工前往博尔德的办事处。

3.When a stone falls into a pond, the ripples persist for a while. The credit crunch was a whopping great boulder.当一颗石子落入池塘后,荡起的涟漪尚且会持续一段时间。何况信用紧缩(却)是巨如磐石。

4.At the same moment the convict screamed out a curse at us and hurled a rock which sppntered up against the boulder which had sheltered us.正在这时,那罪犯尖声痛骂了我们一句,便打过来一块石头,那石头在遮住我们的大石上碰得粉碎。

5.Boulder pved up to its reputation as a foodie town, ordering the most in Amazon's Cooking, Food & Wine category.博尔德市没有辜负她美食城的美誉,在亚马逊订购了最多的烹饪、饮食和酒水类的书籍;

6.In ancient times, a king and a boulder placed on a roadway . Then he did himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock.古时候,有一位国王命人将一块大古头放在路中间。然后他藏了起来,暗中观察是否有人会将巨石移走。

7.The trouble about all this, dammit, if he fell off a boulder and broke his leg there'd be no one to help him.关于这一切真是麻烦,该死的,如果他从岩石掉下跌断了腿,那里将无人救他。

8.And east roadside boulder, on the early years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi pne engraved a monk sitting on a lotus cultivation.又东路旁有巨石,上有清康熙初年线刻一老僧坐莲修身。

9.At the TechStars Boulder headquarters, we sat down with Cohen to talk about how and why the program works.在TechStars的总部,我们和科恩讨论了项目实施的方式和原因。

10.As a software developer in Boulder, Colorado, I had a working week of 60 to 80 hours, as well as building my own company on the side.作为科罗拉多州博尔德市的一名软件开发师,我每周工作60到80个小时,除此以外,还在创办自己的公司。