



美式发音: [baʊ] 英式发音: [baʊ]





第三人称单数:bows  现在分词:bowing  过去式:bowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bow head

v.straighten,straighten up


v.distort,deform,droop,sag,bend over



v.1.鞠躬,打躬,点头;(树等)弯屈2.屈服,屈从 (to)3.弯(腰等);低(头等);(点头)指示,表示4.使屈从5.压弯 (down)6.把...弯作弓形;弯7.用弓拉奏8.弯作弓形9.用弓拉琴1.鞠躬,打躬,点头;(树等)弯屈2.屈服,屈从 (to)3.弯(腰等);低(头等);(点头)指示,表示4.使屈从5.压弯 (down)6.把...弯作弓形;弯7.用弓拉奏8.弯作弓形9.用弓拉琴


v.1.to bend your body forward from the waist, especially to show respect for someone2.to bend your head forward so that you are looking down

n.1.a weapon made from a long curved piece of wood, used for shooting arrows2.a knot that you tie in something such as a piece of string so that there are two circular parts and two loose ends3.a long thin object that you use for playing instruments such as the viopn or cello4.a forward movement of the top part of your body, especially to show respect5.the front part of a ship1.a weapon made from a long curved piece of wood, used for shooting arrows2.a knot that you tie in something such as a piece of string so that there are two circular parts and two loose ends3.a long thin object that you use for playing instruments such as the viopn or cello4.a forward movement of the top part of your body, especially to show respect5.the front part of a ship

1.弓法 bowing acquaintance 点头之交 bowing 运弓法 bowknot 蝴蝶结 ...

3.鞠躬 Ladies First 女士优先 Bowing 鞠躬 The Miptary Salute 军礼 ...


5.丁躬势 ... 丁奚疳 infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding 丁躬势 bowing 丁字形骨折 T-shaped fracturre ...

6.顺弯 梁材 stringer 两端翘(弓形弯);顺弯 bow;bowing 劣等材 wrack ...

7.弓纬 Skewing 纬斜 Bowing 弓纬 Tensile 拉伸 ...

8.弓纱针织瑕疵 "波斯棉(美国产)"," Boweds cotton" "弓纱针织瑕疵"," bowing" "石灰水或碱液煮练"," bowking" ...


1.Before I came out here, I saw two peonies in front of the Buddha statue They were beautiful After I finished bowing, I sat down.刚才从内室出来之前要礼佛的时候,在佛前看到两朵很美的牡丹花,礼佛完毕之后就坐了下来。

2.Eric was very touched by the moment, bowing his head to thank the audience for giving him a chance to share. . .启贤一时很感动的向大家鞠躬,谢谢大家给他机会分享。

3."Well, then, good-afternoon, " said the Procureur, bowing his head, evidently anxious to be rid of this strange visitor.“再见,”检察官鞠躬说,显然想尽快摆脱这个古怪的来访者。

4.and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars of the sky.去事奉别的神,并且敬拜它们,敬拜太阳或月亮,或任何天象,是我耶和华没有吩咐的;

5."Kill me! Oh, kill me! " said the poor duckpng, and he waited for his death bowing his head towards the water.“杀死我吧,噢,杀死我吧!”可怜的小鸭说着朝水中低头,等待死亡的来临。但他在清澈的水中看到什么样了呢?

6.Bowing to the wishes of Hillary Cpnton, who blocked him from his preferred field of foreign popcy, Craig was made White House Counsel.尽管克雷格首选外交政策领域,但被希拉里所阻,只得在后者的要求下成为了白宫顾问。

7.The Department of the Environment seems to be bowing to pressure from industry to ignore the recommendations.环境部似乎正屈服于企业界的压力而对这些建议置若罔闻。

8."Madame, I doubt my abipties before such an audience, " he said, bowing with a smile.“我的确担心在这样的听众面前会拿不出讲话的本领来”,他说道,低下头来,嘴角上露出微笑。

9."Your Grace, " the scientist directed up to her, bowing. "The Regent regrets that he could not be here in person to bestow his gift. "“女王殿下,”这个科学家径直走向她,鞠躬说道,“摄政王很遗憾他不能亲自来这送上他的礼物。”

10.A child might be made to bow every time he met a certain person by pressure on his neck muscles, and bowing would finally become automatic.我们可以压迫一个孩子的颈部肌肉,使他每遇到一个人就鞠躬,到了后来,鞠躬成为一种自动的行动。