


美式发音: [ɡɪt] 英式发音: [ɡɪt]



网络释义:佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology);版本控制;乔治亚理工学院




1.蠢货;饭桶;讨厌鬼a stupid or unpleasant man


v.1.<regional>Same as get

n.1.an insulting word for a stupid or annoying person

1.佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)

3.乔治亚理工学院 sit (使)就座,(使)坐。 git 饭桶,无用的人 gun 炮,枪,<美>手枪,油门; ...

5.Global Interface Table gist 要点 git 浇口;门;闭锁器 giumarrite 角闪沸煌岩 ...

7.版本控制系统而且版本控制系统Git)做的记录会更钜细靡遗。当你对一个资料夹启用 Git 进行追踪管理与控制时(Git 初始化时),Git 程 …


1.At this point, you're ready to use the commands discussed above to begin working in Git with your project files.现在,您可以使用上述命令在Git中处理项目文件了。

2.I then made a new branch called empty-gdbinit and switched to it (I could have done this with git checkout -b empty-gdbinit as well).随后我生成一个名为empty-gdbinit的新分支,然后切换到该分支(我也可以使用gitcheckout-bempty-gdbinit完成这个操作)。

3.Gist allows to start off from a pasted bit of text or code and collaborate over the net, either using a web interface or git tools.使用Gist,用户可以从粘帖一小段文本或者代码开始,然后通过Web界面或者git工具展开网上的协作。

4.I strongly encourage you to read the very understandable Git manual or at least go through the tutorial.我强烈建议您阅读简单易懂的Git手册,或者至少阅览一下教程。

5.Look at it, says I -- such a hat for me to wear -- one of the wealthiest men in this town if I could git my rights.我说,你们看一看吧,——叫我这样的人戴上这样一顶帽子——我可是本镇上大富翁之一啊,如果我的权利能收回的话。

6.As Ryan Giggs, his former team-mate, joked: "Becks hasn't changed since I've known him - he's always been a flash cockney git. "正如他的前队友瑞恩-吉格斯(RyanGiggs)开玩笑所说的那样:“自打我认识他以来,贝克就没变过——他一直就是个花里胡哨、百无一用的东区伦敦佬。”

7.Liberal fundamentapsts as open source projects, Git repository browser did not modify any of the rights and restrictions.作为开源自由原教旨主义项目,Git没有对版本库的浏览和修改做任何的权限限制。

8.Well, not until a certain git by the name of Lockhart took over as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, at any rate.呵呵,直到有天有个叫洛哈特的饭桶当了黑魔法防御术老师,情况就不同啦。

9.I suggest you git out of here before I throw you out on your ear!在我揪住你的耳朵把你扔出去之前我建议你自己滚出去!

10.ole missis , she tole me i got to go an git dis water an not stop foopng round wid anybody.老太太,她叫我去提水,不准在路上停下来和人家玩。