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1.鲍尔斯 ... 米德( G. H. Mead) 包尔斯( S. Bowles) 韦伯( M. Weber) ...

3.波尔斯20 世纪 SO 年代波尔斯(Bowles)提出了求解弹性地基梁的有限元程序,大大促进了土抗力法 的发展。目前,通用的土抗力法是 …

4.鲍勒斯1931年鲍勒斯(Bowles)也曾在]11西做过工作。1935年德日进(Teilhard deChardi。)和杨钟健在四川万县曾发现过石片。




1.It's effective, but Ms. Riley Bowles said her studieshave found that it tends to leave a more negative impression on women.赖利·鲍尔斯女士说,虽然这么做有效果,但是她的研究发现,这样做往往会给女性留下负面影响。

2.Furthermore. I think some dishes of this dinner have gone bad, for two member of my family have loose bowles the next day.还有,我认为饭菜中有的变质了,因为我家人中有两位第二天闹肚子。

3.They may have no more luck with Congress than Mr Bowles and Mr Simpson; but at least their report will probably be unanimous.在国会上,他们的方案受到的待遇不会比鲍尔斯先生和辛普森先生的好,不过最起码他们的报告很可能是一致通过的。

4.He had the right personal quapties, too: a fine mind, a tough hide, a dry wit, and he was a better hearts player than Erskine Bowles.在性格方面他也很合适:精明的头脑、坚强的内心、冷幽默,在攻心策略上比厄斯金还要更胜一筹。

5.Until last week, Simpson-Bowles had represented the centre of the fiscal debate; it was the basis for the Gang of Six's depberations.直到上周,辛普森-鲍尔斯委员会一直占据着财政辩论的中心位置;这才是“6人帮”深思熟虑的根本。

6.But a Bowles-Simpson tax reform requires both parties to, let us say, clarify their positions.但是,鲍尔斯与辛普森税改要求两党都要(比方说)阐明他们的立场。

7.Erskine Bowles had come to the White House from the Small Business Administration as deputy chief of staff, switching jobs with Phil Lader.厄斯金.鲍尔斯与菲尔.拉德交换了工作,从美国中小企业管理局加入到白宫,担任办公厅副主任。

8.The Simpson-Bowles report on the deficit was an opportunity to begin a wave of institutional reform.辛普森-鲍勒斯(Simpson-Bowles)委员会提交的减赤报告是美国开始一轮机构改革的一个良机。

9.The revelations of Charles' relationship with a married woman, Camilla Parker Bowles, sent the Prince of Wales' popularity plummeting.此书曝光了查尔斯和另一位已婚女人--卡米拉的暧昧关系,使得这位威尔士王子的公众支持率急剧下降。

10.The disclosure of Charles' relationship with a married woman, Camilla Parker Bowles, sent the Prince of Wales' popularity plummeting.查尔斯与一名有夫之妇——卡米拉·帕克·鲍尔拉之间关系的暴露,使这位威尔士亲王的人气直线下降。