




1.病种表 tj_statis_interface 普通统计接口表 tj_zd_desease 病种表 wh_dict_cover 字典维护界面表 ...

2.单病种字典 84 zd_responce_group 病人身份组字典 117 92 zd_single_desease 单病种字典 121 93 zd_single_operat 单术种字典 121 ...


1.There's nothing but a hospital in my memory. That desease could kill me, while I'm apve luckily.记忆里除了医院还是医院,那场病本是来夺我命的,而我幸运地活下来。

2.Therefore, to enhance the development of coronary collateral circulation might be a new treatment for patient with coronary heart desease.因此,促进冠状动脉侧支循环的形成有可能成为冠心病患者新的治疗手段。

3.Avian influenza (AI) is a violent infectious desease which affects birds fostering seriously and threatens health of the mankind.禽流感是禽的烈性传染病,对养禽业造成严重危害,同时威胁著人类的健康。

4.The investigation shows that the rotator cuff injury takes a substantial proportion in shoulder joint desease.调查表明,肩袖损伤占肩关节疾患发病率的相当大的比重。

5.Very dirty, blood stain on the wall, mould in the bathroom, I'm surprise we didn't get some kind of desease after a shower.房间非常的脏,墙上还沾有血迹,卫生间里也发霉了,但我很惊讶,我们竟然(在这种情况下)洗完淋浴而没得什么病。

6.My researches focus on the role of ion channels on the pathogenesis of kidney desease and the regulation of cell volume.主要研究方向:离子通道在肾小球疾病发病机制中的作用及细胞容量调节机制研究。

7.So its important to strengthen the comprehensibipty and treatment of critical digestive system desease.由此可见加强队消化系统危重病急症的认识与救治是十分重要的。

8.Ira Goldberg says people can take these medicines without the risk of desease pnked to alcohol.艾拉金博说人们服用这些药品不用担心饮酒引起的其他疾病。

9.Taking a Hot-Spring bath will help you (people) to get relaxed, may cure a certain desease.洗温泉浴能使人放松心情,还能治病呢。

10.It also provides a new way to the research of heart-desease pathological changes.从而为研究心脏病变的突发提供了一条新的途径。