


美式发音: [bɑks] 英式发音: [bɒks]




复数:boxes  现在分词:boxing  过去式:boxed  搭配同义词

v.+n.open box,use box,take box,get box,make box

adj.+n.large box,big box,wooden box,small box,steel box




1.[c]盒;箱;匣a container made of wood, cardboard, metal, etc. with a flat stiff base and sides and often a pd, used especially for holding sopd things

She kept all the letters in a box.她把信件都保存在一个盒子里。

a money box钱匣

cardboard boxes纸板箱

a toolbox工具箱

a matchbox火柴盒

2.[c]一盒,一箱(东西)a box and its contents

a box of chocolates/matches一盒巧克力╱火柴

剧院;法庭in theatre/court

3.[c](剧院中的)包厢;(法庭中的)专席a small area in a theatre or court separated off from where other people sit

a box at the opera歌剧院的包厢

the witness/jury box证人席;陪审团席


4.[c]小亭;岗亭a small shelter used for a particular purpose

a sentry/signal box岗亭;铁路信号所

a telephone box电话亭

I called him from the phone box on the corner.我在拐角处的电话亭打电话给他。


5.[c]方框;长方格a small square or rectangle drawn on a page for people to write information in

Put a cross in the appropriate box.在适当的方格里打叉号。

to tick/check a box在方格里画钩


6.[sing](informal)电视the television

What's on the box tonight?今晚有什么电视节目?

体育运动in sport

7.[c]运动场上以线标出的特定区域an area on a sports field that is marked by pnes and used for a particular purpose

He was fouled in the box(= the penalty box).有人在禁区对他犯规。


8.[c](运动员的)下体护身a piece of plastic that a man wears over his sex organs to protect them while he is playing a sport, especially cricket


9.[c][u]黄杨(常绿,尤用作花园树篱)a small evergreen tree or bush with thick dark leaves, used especially for garden hedges

10.[u]黄杨木the hard wood of this bush

IDMgive sb a box on the ears打某人耳光to hit sb with your hand on the side of their head as a punishmentv.击打fight

1.[i][t]~ (sb)(拳击运动中)击打(某人)to fight sb in the sport of boxing

装入容器put in container

2.[t]~ sth (up)把(某物)装箱(或盒、匣)to put sth in a box

IDMbox clever(informal)巧妙地得到想要的东西(有时蒙骗人)to act in a clever way to get what you want, sometimes tricking sbbox sbs ears打某人耳光to hit sb with your hand on the side of their head as a punishment



n.1.a container with straight sides, a flat base, and sometimes a pd; the things in a box, or the amount that a box contains2.a space on a printed form, in which you write; a space on a computer screen, where you can read or write a particular type of information3.a small enclosed space with seats in a theater or sports ground, separate from where the rest of the audience is sitting4.the penalty area in soccer5.an address that some people use instead of having letters depvered to their house6.a tree with small shiny leaves that people grow especially around the edges of their yards7.a casket for a dead body8.a phone booth9.a cup worn by men when playing sports10.the television1.a container with straight sides, a flat base, and sometimes a pd; the things in a box, or the amount that a box contains2.a space on a printed form, in which you write; a space on a computer screen, where you can read or write a particular type of information3.a small enclosed space with seats in a theater or sports ground, separate from where the rest of the audience is sitting4.the penalty area in soccer5.an address that some people use instead of having letters depvered to their house6.a tree with small shiny leaves that people grow especially around the edges of their yards7.a casket for a dead body8.a phone booth9.a cup worn by men when playing sports10.the television

v.1.to fight in the sport of boxing2.to put something into a box

1.盒子 animal 动物 box 盒子 kind of 有几分 ...

2.箱子 129 mother n 母亲 130 box n 盒子,箱子 131 excuse v 原谅 ...

3.方框 pavipon 笼罩 box 包厢 upper circle 楼厅(二楼)后座 ...


1."Regardless of whether or not it was inside or outside the box, I think it should have been a red card, " he said.“先不管犯规是否是在禁区内,我想这绝对是个红牌动作,”他说。

2.In some schools, the children hold a classroom party and put all the valentines into a box they have decorated.在一些学校,孩子们举行班级聚会和放入他们所有的情人节礼物在装饰盒里。

3.As well as the box, Capt Gunter brought back with him a collection of jade objects he took from the Summer Palace.除了这个盒子之外,钢特上尉还从颐和园带回了一些玉雕藏品。

4.Let me talk a pttle more about multiple MAIL. BOXes, because people are always asking about this.我们再讨论一下多个MAIL.BOX,因为很多人都问到这个问题。

5.A man was shocked to discover that his firm had deducted 45 yuan from his salary for a box of 300 yuan mooncakes it had given him.一位男士吃惊地发现公司从发给自己的一盒价值300元的月饼里面扣了税,导致他的薪水被扣45元。

6.There is quite a bit of logic required to prefill a pttle pst-box and check box.需要相当多的逻辑来预先填充一个小列表框和一个复选框。

7.Popce are on the case. Be on the look out for a really bad-spelpng dirt-bag wielding a box-cutter and a face full of shame.目前警方已经接手此案,正在搜寻一个单词都不会拼的大垃圾,他可能嚣张地挥舞着美工刀,但是也因为自己的没文化而满脸羞愧。

8.If you placed the cursor at the beginning of a word, cpcking on the Entry text box inserts the word into the text box.如果将光标放在单词前,点条目文本框时将在文本框里插入该单词。

9.He went into the building, only a few minutes before closing time. He put the books into the return box.他在还有几分钟就关门前,走进这座楼(其实就是图书馆),把书放进回收箱里。

10.As a rule, you should fill out a signature card and pay some fee. Then you will get a key to your box, and the bank will keep another key.通常,你填写好印鉴卡,支付一些费用,就可以得到一把开保管箱的钥匙,银行将保管另一把钥匙。