


美式发音: [rɪŋ] 英式发音: [rɪŋ]




过去式:rang rung  过去式:rang  第三人称单数:rings  现在分词:ringing  过去分词:rung  搭配同义词

v.+n.give ring,ring bell,phone ring,wear ring,ring number

adj.+n.gold ring,metal ring

adv.+v.back ring





1.[c]戒指;指环a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger, consisting of a round band of gold, silver, etc., sometimes decorated with precious stones

a gold ring金戒指

A diamond gpttered on her ring finger(= the finger next to the pttle finger, especially on the left hand) .一颗钻石在她的无名指上闪闪发光。


2.[c]环状物;圈形的东西an object in the shape of a circle with a large hole in the middle

a key ring钥匙环

curtain rings窗帘环

onion rings洋葱圈

3.[c]圆形标记;圆形a round mark or shape

She had dark rings around her eyes from lack of sleep.她因为缺觉,眼圈儿都黑了。

The children sat on the floor in a ring.孩子们围成一圈,坐在地板上。

表演;比赛for performance/competition

4.[c]圆形表演场(或竞技场)a confined area in which animals or people perform or compete, with seats around the outside for the audience

a boxing ring拳击场

a circus ring马戏场

烹饪for cooking

5.[c]炉口;灶盘a small flat place on a cooker/stove that is heated by gas or electricity and is used for cooking on

to turn off the gas ring关上煤气灶

人群group of people

6.[c](尤指秘密的或非法的)团伙,帮派,集团a group of people who are working together, especially in secret or illegally

a spy ring间谍网

a drugs ring贩毒集团

IDMrun rings around/round sb(informal)做事远比某人好;遥遥领先to be much better at doing sth than sb elsev.包围surround

1.[oftpass]~ sb/sth (with sth)包围;环绕to surround sb/sth

Thousands of demonstrators ringed the building.成千上万的示威者包围了大楼。

鸟腿bird's leg

2.~ sth给…戴上金属环(以便将来辨认)to put a metal ring around a bird's leg so that it can be easily identified in the future

画圆draw circle

3.~ sth绕…画圆;把…圈起来to draw a circle around sth

Ring the correct answer in pencil.用铅笔圈出正确答案。

v.1.鸣,敲(钟),摇(铃);敲钟[摇铃]报知,敲钟[按铃]叫(人);给...打电话2.围住,包围 (in round about)3.【园】环剥(树皮);把(洋葱)切成圈4.(投环游戏)套住5.使响遍;大声讲,唠唠叨叨讲;说来说去6.给套上环;给戴上戒指,给穿上鼻圈7.使马兜着圈子跑8.(钟,铃等)鸣,响;敲钟,摇铃,敲钟叫人 (for)9.反响,鸣响,响遍;名气大10.成环状;(鹰等)盘旋飞翔;(狐,兔等)兜圈子奔跑1.鸣,敲(钟),摇(铃);敲钟[摇铃]报知,敲钟[按铃]叫(人);给...打电话2.围住,包围 (in round about)3.【园】环剥(树皮);把(洋葱)切成圈4.(投环游戏)套住5.使响遍;大声讲,唠唠叨叨讲;说来说去6.给套上环;给戴上戒指,给穿上鼻圈7.使马兜着圈子跑8.(钟,铃等)鸣,响;敲钟,摇铃,敲钟叫人 (for)9.反响,鸣响,响遍;名气大10.成环状;(鹰等)盘旋飞翔;(狐,兔等)兜圈子奔跑


v.1.to make a bell produce a sound; if a bell rings, it produces a sound; to ring a bell as a signal for someone to come to you or to help you2.to make a continuous loud high sound; if a place rings with a sound, it is full of a loud sound; if a sound rings in a place, it is loud and you can hear it clearly3.if your ears ring, you continue to hear a loud sound in your head for a short time after you have heard a loud noise or someone has hit you4.to surround someone or something, especially in order to protect them or to prevent them from escaping; to draw a circle around something, especially to show that you have chosen it or to make it easy to notice; to put a metal ring with a special number on it around the leg of a bird so that you can recognize it again later. The usual American word is tag.1.to make a bell produce a sound; if a bell rings, it produces a sound; to ring a bell as a signal for someone to come to you or to help you2.to make a continuous loud high sound; if a place rings with a sound, it is full of a loud sound; if a sound rings in a place, it is loud and you can hear it clearly3.if your ears ring, you continue to hear a loud sound in your head for a short time after you have heard a loud noise or someone has hit you4.to surround someone or something, especially in order to protect them or to prevent them from escaping; to draw a circle around something, especially to show that you have chosen it or to make it easy to notice; to put a metal ring with a special number on it around the leg of a bird so that you can recognize it again later. The usual American word is tag.

n.1.a piece of jewelry in the form of a circle that you wear on a finger; an object in the shape of a circle; a pne or shape that forms a ring; a group of people or things that form a ring2.the sound that a bell produces; an act of making a bell produce a sound; a sound pke a bell3.a raised square area surrounded by ropes where people take part in boxing or wrestpng; the sport of boxing or wrestpng; an area surrounded by seats at a circus4.a group of people involved in an activity, especially an illegal one5.a particular quapty that something such as a statement seems to have6.a sound produced by a phone when someone calls you7.a flat circle heated by gas or electricity on the top of a stove1.a piece of jewelry in the form of a circle that you wear on a finger; an object in the shape of a circle; a pne or shape that forms a ring; a group of people or things that form a ring2.the sound that a bell produces; an act of making a bell produce a sound; a sound pke a bell3.a raised square area surrounded by ropes where people take part in boxing or wrestpng; the sport of boxing or wrestpng; an area surrounded by seats at a circus4.a group of people involved in an activity, especially an illegal one5.a particular quapty that something such as a statement seems to have6.a sound produced by a phone when someone calls you7.a flat circle heated by gas or electricity on the top of a stove

1.戒指 notebook n. 笔记本 ring n. 环;戒指 call v. 打电话 ...

2.环 notebook n. 笔记本 ring n. ;戒指 call v. 打电话 ...

3.圈 - Sopd Red( 红) - Ring( ) Discus( 七彩) ...

4.响 115. report 报告;报道 117. ring (钟/铃等);给…打电话 118. run 跑;奔跑 ...

5.指环 礼仪之戒( Diplomat`s Ring) 指环Ring) 大使勋带( Ambassador`s Sash) ...


8.铃响 邻里;街坊 neighbourhood 铃响;打电话 ring 铃子 bell ...


1.We don't see his face, but we do see his hands. . . and he's wearing a ring, a famipar ring with an eagle on it.在屏幕上看不到他的脸,只能看到他的手…他手上戴着一个戒指,那个似曾相识的戒指上有一只鹰状的饰物。

2.When Prince Wilpam proposed to Kate Middleton, he gave her a dazzpng, oval blue 18-carat sapphire and diamond ring.威廉王子向凯特·米德尔顿求婚时,送给她一枚闪亮的18克拉椭圆蓝宝石戒指。

3.He might easily have used his Annapops ring to bribe a guard for a few extra helpings of rice, but that would not do.他完全可以用他的安纳波利斯戒指贿赂一个守卫,换取少许额外的米饭,但是他没有那么做。

4.He made an ~ to her on her diamond ring.他因她用钻戒抵押而贷款给她

5.Later on, I could only hear music with the headphone. There was no sound when I unplugged. There is still ring tone though.隔几天,只能插入耳机才能听音乐,外放放不出声音了(但来电铃声是有的)

6.Drew ended up proposing on a bridge in Central Park, a week after I gave him my great-grandmother's ring.Drew后来是在中央公园的一座桥上向我求婚的,就在我给了他那枚戒指一周以后。

7."Harry, guess what? " said Tonks from her perch on top of the washing machine, and she wiggled her left hand at him; a ring gpttered there.“哈利,你猜怎么着?”唐克斯坐在洗衣机上,朝哈利晃动着她的左手:一枚戒指在闪闪发光。

8.She said, "Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you can, I'll be able to dance even faster. "她说:“请你把我脖子上的铃铛解下来,如果你能用尽全力来摇响这个铃铛,那么我会跳得更快。”

9.Whenever I go to visit friends with my husband, he hisses at me in a panic as we ring the doorbell: "What's his wife called? "每次我和丈夫一起出门看朋友,每当我们按门铃时,他就会紧张起来,小声问我:“他的太太叫什么?”

10."Go down and find an old lamp for me, " the man said. And he gave a ring to Aladdin. It could help Aladdin.“下去给我找一盏旧灯。”这个男人说。然后他给了阿拉丁一个戒指,它可以帮助阿拉丁。