


美式发音: [ˈbɑksər] 英式发音: [ˈbɒksə(r)]



复数:Boxers  同义词

n.combatant,fighter,prize fighter,prizefighter,pug



1.拳击手;拳击运动员a person who boxes , especially as a job

a professional/amateur/heavyweight boxer职业╱业余╱重量级拳击运动员

2.拳师狗a large dog with smooth hair, a short flat nose and a tail that has usually been cut very short


n.1.someone who takes part in boxing matches, especially as their job2.[Animal]a large dog with a flat face, smooth brown hair, and a very short tail3.a person or machine whose task it is to pack things into boxes4.[History]a member of a secret society in China that launched the Boxer Rebelpon1.someone who takes part in boxing matches, especially as their job2.[Animal]a large dog with a flat face, smooth brown hair, and a very short tail3.a person or machine whose task it is to pack things into boxes4.[History]a member of a secret society in China that launched the Boxer Rebelpon

1.拳击手 blacksmith: 铁匠 boxer: 拳击手 budgeteer: 预算编制者 ...

2.拳师犬 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 ...

4.拳击运动员 double leg lock 抱单腿拦腿摔 boxer 拳击运动员 boxing glove 拳击手套 ...

5.平脚裤 bottom,hem 下摆,[粤]衫脚,裤脚 boxer 平脚裤,[粤]孖烟通 boy's style fly 男装门襟,[粤]男装钮牌 ...

6.水平对置 布马士提夫 Bull Mastiff 拳师狗 Boxer 洛威拿 Rottweiler ...


1.Dan boxer before the lower level to see he has extraordinary talent, trying to integrate it into boxing.前拳击手丹下段平看出他拥有不凡的天赋,试图将之引入拳坛。

2.Back in the yard Boxer was pawing with his hoof at the stable-lad who lay face down in the mud, trying to turn him over.回到院子里,布克瑟用蹄子扒了一下那个脸朝下趴在泥里的马夫,想把他翻过来。

3.Under the skin a ballerina might have the heart of a boxer.在皮肤之下,一个芭蕾舞演员可能有一颗拳击者的心。

4.All the audiences were astonished that the champion boxer had knocked his opponent down in a few second.所有观众都感到震惊,那为拳击冠军居然在几秒钟内击倒了对手。

5.As the referee counted, the boxer ralped and got to his feet.裁判在数点的时候,那位拳击手恢复了体力,站了起来。

6.So when you make a fpppant comment, especially if it's followed by a mad scramble for your boxer shorts, it's sure to freak us out.因此当你说出轻薄之词时,特别是接下来将疯狂地扒掉你的平角短裤时,我们肯定会被吓坏的。

7."He's done these violent sports because his brother's a boxer, " Mr. Tean said. "He really loves his brother, looks up to him. "“他投入这类暴力体育运动,是因为他的哥哥是名拳击手,”廷说。“他真的爱他哥哥,很崇拜他。”

8.Springer maintains that De La Hoya was the last boxer that was really covered by the general sports media.斯普林格则坚持认为,霍亚是最后一个能被大众体育媒体倾心报道的拳手。

9."There were reindeer on his boxer shorts, " he said, making a joke about how all the deer were red- nosed from blood.“他短裤里有只驯鹿,”他说,接着开始取笑所有的驯鹿是如何被血染成红鼻子的。

10."Uh, no, " I said, as my husband showed him photographs of a boxer on his mobile phone.我说,“哎呀,不是。”说着,我的丈夫向他展示了手机里的一张拳师狗照片。