


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Beautiful People)风头人物

英文单词:英国石油公司(British Petroleum);血压(blood pressure);英国药典(British Pharmacopoeia)


abbr.1.(=Beautiful People)风头人物2.(=Black Panther)黑豹党员

abbr.1.(=Beautiful People)2.(=Black Panther)

1.英国石油公司(British Petroleum)据英国石油公司BP)提供的数字,罗马尼亚在欧洲及欧亚地区石油生产国的列表上排在第11位,日产原油10.5万桶,占全球 …

2.血压(blood pressure)血压袖带用来测量血压(BP)。有手动和电子血压袖带。

3.英国药典(British Pharmacopoeia)根据英国药典BP)配比及中国药典配比,保持维生素AD(10:1)的天然营养科学配比,是婴幼儿作为长期补充鳕鱼肝油的最 …

4.基点  一个基点(BP)就是0.01%,即万分之一。  例如,汇率 51.00,表示汇率上涨了51个基点,即上涨了万分之五十一(51/10000)…

5.碱基对1cM遗传距离等于1百万碱基对(bp)的物理 距离。 1cM定义为在同源姐妹染色体在形成单倍体 配子减数分裂期间发生1%染色体 …


1.The China oil spill is now 165 square miles, but still just a fraction of the size of the BP oil spill in Gulf.目前海上浮油达165平方英里,但这仍然只是BP在墨西哥湾浮油的一小部分。

2.He took over BP in 2007, after his predecessor, John Browne, resigned over a scandal involving allegations about his private life.2007年,在前任CEO布朗(JohnBrowne)因一起涉及私生活问题的丑闻而辞职之后,唐熙华执掌英国石油。

3.The British oil company BP shut down one of three Georgian pipelines, saying it was a precaution.英国BP石油公司已经关闭了格鲁吉亚三条石油管线中的一条,以示警告。

4.At BP the female touch would not have saved the day either, but it might have ensured it was not lost quite so disastrously.在BP,女性因素也不可能扭转局面,但或许能确保公司不会兵败如山倒。

5.It is going to take time to see whether this new assertiveness recaptures lost value, since BP is about to become a very different company.这种新的自信能否挽回BP失去的价值还有待时间检验,因为BP将成为一家截然不同的企业。

6.BP officials and legal analysts say the company is trying to be careful to avoid letting the findings devolve into more mud-slinging.来自英国石油的人士和法律分析师说,该公司正力图避免让调查报告进一步损害自身形象。

7.True, BP is in better financial and operational shape now than it was a year ago, which explains the sideways move in its shares on Monday.的确,BP目前的财务和运营状况要好于一年前,也正因如此,周一其股价只是横盘整理。

8.Yet just because BP has the deepest pockets does not make it a piggybank to be raided.然而,不能因为英国石油资金实力最为雄厚,就把它当成“洗劫”的对象。

9.A process diagram is a graphical representation of a BP flow, consisting of activities and the connections between them.流程图是BP流的图形化呈现,由活动和他们之间的连接组成。

10.The poor coordination with BP contractors, he says, 'was just a common occurrence. '他说,与英国石油公司承包商协调不力的事经常发生。