


美式发音: [bɑb] 英式发音: [bɒb]



英文单词:鲍勃(Bobby);鲍伯;北京奥林匹克转播有限公司(Beijing Olympic Broadcasting)

过去式:bobbed  同义词





Press here and Bob's your uncle! It's disappeared.按一下这里就成了!消失了。

Bobs your uncle(informal)易如反掌used to say how easy and quick it is to do a particular task

Press here and Bob's your uncle! It's disappeared.按一下这里就成了!消失了。

n.1.鲍勃2.〈美口,英口〉同“shilling”3.未断奶的小牛4.【动】(一群)沙蠋5.【男名】男子名6.(女人,小孩的)短发;束发;髻;卷毛,卷毛假发;(马等)截短的尾巴7.诗节落尾的叠句,歌曲的短叠句8.摆,摆动;跳舞;浮动,振动9.【物】摆锤,秤锤(等);(钓丝的)浮子,漂10.急动;急牵;(点一点头)招呼;(快速一屈膝)行礼11.一组钓钩;一串浮饵;一束叶子;一串花(葡萄等)12.〈俚〉步兵13.同“bob sled. a bob of the head”1.鲍勃2.〈美口,英口〉同“shilling”3.未断奶的小牛4.【动】(一群)沙蠋5.【男名】男子名6.(女人,小孩的)短发;束发;髻;卷毛,卷毛假发;(马等)截短的尾巴7.诗节落尾的叠句,歌曲的短叠句8.摆,摆动;跳舞;浮动,振动9.【物】摆锤,秤锤(等);(钓丝的)浮子,漂10.急动;急牵;(点一点头)招呼;(快速一屈膝)行礼11.一组钓钩;一串浮饵;一束叶子;一串花(葡萄等)12.〈俚〉步兵13.同“bob sled. a bob of the head”

v.1.截短,剪短(发,尾等)2.浮动;用浮漂钩 (for)3.上下跳动;急动,急牵4.行屈膝礼5.轻敲;使敲(或撞)6.急速摆动1.截短,剪短(发,尾等)2.浮动;用浮漂钩 (for)3.上下跳动;急动,急牵4.行屈膝礼5.轻敲;使敲(或撞)6.急速摆动

n.1.<spoken,AmE,spoken,BrE>Same as shilling2.a womans hairstyle in which the hair is cut short to an even length at the level of the chin or neck3.a short quick movement up and down; a short quick movement of the head down and then back up again as a way of greeting someone or showing agreement or respect; a curtsy4.Same as bob sled. a bob of the head1.<spoken,AmE,spoken,BrE>Same as shilling2.a womans hairstyle in which the hair is cut short to an even length at the level of the chin or neck3.a short quick movement up and down; a short quick movement of the head down and then back up again as a way of greeting someone or showing agreement or respect; a curtsy4.Same as bob sled. a bob of the head

v.1.to move up and down with short regular movements, especially on water that is rising and falling2.to curtsy

1.鲍勃(Bobby) Blithe 布莱兹 英国 很快乐的人 Bob 鲍伯 条顿 辉煌的名声 Booth 布兹 挪威 住小茅屋的人 ...

3.北京奥林匹克转播有限公司(Beijing Olympic Broadcasting) blood 血液 bob 短发 body 身体 ...

6.剪短 boo 嘘,表示不满 bob 剪短 bboo 这个词没有,到是有底下这些,你是不是写错了 ...

7.北京奥林匹克转播公司在北京奥林匹克转播公司(BOB)工作期间,除了近距离地感受百年奥运带给中国的盛世激情外,还亲眼目睹了整个奥运会转播机构 …

8.巴布巴布(BOB), 建筑师,是个大能人,什么都会修,建筑团队的灵魂人物。思库(SCOOP), 挖土车。


1.Bob broke one of his wife's most precious dishes and is really behind the eight ball.鲍勃打坏了他妻子最珍贵的一个盘子,现在他可真是凶多吉少了。

2.It was an act of judicial activism that might have made even Bob Bork blush.这一司法能动主义的行动恐怕连鲍勃.博克都会觉得不好意思。

3.She and Pete, like Bob and I, had shared one of those rare, close, "love-of-your-life-you-can-never- forget" relationships.她和皮特之间的感情就像我和鲍勃之间的一样,是那种世间罕有的、亲密的、“一生无法忘记”的感情。

4.Bob: Still, maybe it's too much for her to walk all the way from her house.鲍伯:不过,对她来说,从她家一路走过来可能太远了。

5.Perhaps Bob and I felt that leniency toward Smudge somehow translated into paying Krista back for some of her pain.可能鲍勃和我觉得宽恕斯玛奇在某种程度上可理解为补偿克丽斯塔所受的痛苦。

6.Bob used the money he stole from his company to gamble again. This time, he cashed in. He made a lot of money.他用从公司偷的钱赌博。现在,他兑现了大笔钱。

7.Every morning, Jacquelyn Beauregard Dillman stands on her front steps and waves to her husband of 29 years, Bob, as he drives off to work.天早上,当她结婚29年的丈夫鲍勃(Bob)开车上班时,杰奎琳•博勒加德•迪尔曼(JacquelynBeauregardDillman)都会站在家门口的台阶上和他挥手告别。

8.The neighbour boy run in for a minute to see Bob's newest model rocket.邻居的孩子来呆了一会儿,看看鲍勃的最新火箭模型。

9.Uncle Bob: Hey, I knew it was your favorite movie star! Remember all the corny jokes we used to tell, huh. How do two porcupines make love?鲍博舅舅:对,他是你最崇拜的影星,噢,你还记得咱们讲过的那些笑话吗?讲两个刺猬拥抱亲热的故事。

10.Because Bob felt this was hurting her career, he asked her to set a short-term goal of increasing her visibility during the next tour.鲍勃认为这样做有害于她的职业生涯,他让她设定短期目标以提高在接下来行程中她自己的知名度。