


美式发音: [ˈbrædp] 英式发音: [ˈbrædp]





1.布拉德利 Boyle 波伊尔; 波义耳 Bradley 布拉德利 Bray 布雷 ...


3.布莱德雷 Bowen 波文 英国 有教养的贵族。 Bradley 布兰得利 英国 宽广的草地。 Brandon 布兰登 英国 发亮 …


7.布拉德雷发百中的特务零(Agent Zero)、意志控电的布莱迪(Bradley)以及剑齿虎维多克,每个人的超能力表现,在在令观众看得目瞪口 …


1.Last Friday, someone burglarized the barn on Bradley's property. The only item that was taken was a bicycle made specially for him in 2006.上周五,有人偷了布拉德利的车库,唯一被盗的财物竟然是那辆在2006年为他特制的大号自行车。

2.The United States' impressive showing in last summer's Confederations Cup, particularly, buffed Bradley's reputation as a fine motivator.美国队在去年夏天联盟杯中表演令人印象深刻,特别对提高布拉德利的声誉是良好的激励。

3.Phil Bradley, a writer and search engine expert at Search Engine Watch, said the system makes sense for a mobile phone.SearchEngineWatch的搜索引擎专家PhilBradley说,这一系统对手机设备是有很大意义的。

4.Looking back on 44 years of pfe, Bradley Snooker, said he has no regrets. "Here, I feel pke a home. "回首44年的生活,德雷斯诺克说,他一点也不后悔。

5.America's attitude to race has changed: how much it has changed will be measured by the Bradley Effect, or lack of it.美国对于种族的态度已经改变了:改变了多少则将由布莱德利效益来衡量,或者说用它的减少来衡量。

6."I never heard of the name Bradley Manning before it appeared in the media, " he said in an interview on MSNBC on Wednesday.本周三,在接受全美电视新闻网的采访时,他表示,“在媒体报道之前,我从未听说过布拉德利.曼宁这个名字”。

7.Dr. Bradley's group found that the genetically engineered mice did not respond well to vaccination and failed to develop immunity.Bradley医生的团队发现,经过基因处理的小鼠对接种没有反应,无法产生免疫。

8.However, when Jennifer sounded Bradley, 38, out about Taylor he said he wasn't interested and that she was too young for him!但是,当劳伦斯联系库伯时,38岁的库伯却对此不感兴趣还称斯威夫特太年轻了!

9.don bradley : but edward , i said the salary increase was conditional on you making a concession on the car.堂布拉德利:但是爱德华,我说过了薪水增加是以你在车的方面做出妥协为条件的。

10.Bradley of the book Mingamige Kazan, about after bank robbery, saying later years, he has been tired of pving in the shadow of the matter.书中卡山德雷化名阿米戈,讲述了抢劫银行的经过,并称事隔多年,他厌烦了一直生活在这件事的阴影中。