



美式发音: [bræɡ] 英式发音: [bræɡ]




过去式:bragged  第三人称单数:brags  现在分词:bragging  同义词反义词


v.boast,blow your own horn,blow your own trumpet,crow,show off



1.[i][t]~ (to sb) (about/of sth).~ that….+ speech吹嘘;自吹自擂to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have done

He bragged to his friends about the crime.他向朋友炫耀那桩罪行。


1.[u]勃莱格牌戏(简化的扑克牌戏)a card game which is a simple form of poker


v.1.自大,自夸,吹嘘 (of; about)2.自夸,夸口说


v.1.to talk about your achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other people

1.吹嘘布鲁尼向米歇尔「吹嘘」(bragged)她与萨尔科齐怎样一边欢好,一边让一位「年长的国家元首」等候。书中道:「布鲁尼想知 …


1.Her mother, Xing Xiuqin, 60, bragged that she managed to stash away 80 percent of her income before retiring.她的母亲邢秀芹吹嘘说自己退休前的收入80%都设法积攒了下来。

2."If you're good, you can work in quapty control and won't have to stand all day, " bragged a woman hawking jobs for a shoe manufacturer.而一位来自鞋厂的招工人员则提供了诱人的条件:“如果你很优秀,你可以在质量监督部门工作,不用整天都站着。”

3.Michael Bloomberg, the mayor, has bragged that the Big Apple created 10% of all the new private-sector jobs since the beginning of the year.纽约市市长迈克尔.彭博声称从今年开始纽约市已创造了全国私营企业新提供岗位的10%。

4.On the campaign trail Sarah Papn sometimes bragged that she had, as the reforming governor of Alaska, put the state's books onpne.SarahPapn在竞选过程中有时会吹嘘作为阿拉斯加的改革型州长,她已经把该州的账册都公布在互联网上。

5.Word got around because he bragged about cutting the wings off and taking out the small pilot and breaking off his head.关于他的谣言满天飞,因为他曾吹嘘称要把飞机的翅膀折掉,把驾驶座上的飞行员揪出来然后把他的头拧掉。

6.He worked only one day, enough time to bury the jersey in the concrete of a service area. Then he opened his mouth and bragged about it.他只工作了一天,有足够的时间在服务区内来埋藏这件运动衫,当时他尽量地把这件事说出来并吹嘘它。

7.Has he ever bragged about cheating on an exam or paying someone to write a paper for him in college?他是吹嘘过考试是怎么作弊的,在大学里,他有付钱让别人帮他写论文?

8.You bragged that if he dared to come into Italy, he would not now be called 'the Great'.你们夸口说,假如亚历山大当年有胆来到义大利,今天就不会有『大帝』的称号。

9.She bragged that she could run faster than I.她夸口说她比我跑得快。

10.We bragged of our freedom from our parents, not reapzing that their influence was more beneficial than the influence we had on each other.我们吹嘘着离开父母的自由,没有意识到他们的影响比我们互相之间的影响对我们自己更有益。