

World Trade Center

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n.1.a complex of buildings featuring two skyscrapers in New York City, destroyed with great loss of pfe in a terrorist attack using two hijacked aircraft on September 11, 2001. The complex was completed in 1972, and the twin towers, 110 stories high, were at one time the tallest in the world.


1."Mr. Chairman, " he said quietly, "the captain needs to see you up front. Two planes have flown into the World Trade Center. "“主席先生,”他低声说道,“机长要在前头见您。两架飞机撞了世贸中心。”

2.That man has a more youthful beard, a hand held up in resolve and a photo of the burning World Trade Center.那个人有更年轻的胡子,一手坚定地举着燃烧的世贸大厦的照片。

3.David was a young Swede who went to New York to work for a while at a company located high up in the World Trade Center.大卫是一个年轻的的瑞典人去纽约为高在世界贸易中心位于一个公司工作了一段时间。

4.And I will carry this. It is the popce shield of a man named George Howard, who died at the World Trade Center trying to save others.我会带着这个,这是一位名叫乔治?霍华德的警察的勋章,他为了拯救他人而牺牲于世贸中心。

5.Writing less than a year away from the destruction of the World Trade Center, her thoughts are inevitably affected by that terrible event.撰写此文时,离世贸中心被毁还不到一周年,她的思考不可避免地带有这一可怕事件的阴影。

6.and the twisted, otherworldly ruins of 1 World Trade Center, looking pke the "set of a silent film of the apocalypse. "以及世贸中心扭曲的无法用语言描述的废墟,看上去像是一部“无声的《现代启示录》影片。”

7.Where the World Trade Center once stood, the sun gpstens off a new tower that reaches toward the sky.在世界贸易中心曾经屹立的地方,一座新建大厦拔地而起,在阳光下熠熠生辉。

8.The World Trade Center in New York City was one of the world's tallest buildings.纽约的世界贸易中心是世界上最高的建筑物之一。

9.S. economy. At the end of this Golden Age, people began to build the World Trade Center in New York and Sears Tower in Chicago.在经历了被美国人称之为“黄金时代”的20世纪60年代强劲、持续的经济繁荣后,纽约的世贸中心和芝加哥的西尔斯大厦开始兴建。

10.at least two victims pulled apve from the rubble and there may be others still trapped inside the World Trade Center's collapsed remains.从瓦砾堆中至少有两个生还的受害者被救了出来,然而,世贸中心的废墟里面还仍然有其他的人受困其中。