


美式发音: ['brɑntʃɪŋ] 英式发音: ['brɑ:ntʃɪŋ]









v.1.The present participle of branch

1.分支 Types 类型 Branching 分枝 Integrapty 整性 ...

3.支化 exhibits vt. 展出, 陈列n.展览品, 陈列品, 展品v.展示 branching n. 分歧 weigh vt. 称...重量, 称 ...

5.分枝法 ... bracketing 方括号法 branching 分枝法 breadth-first search 广度优先搜寻 [宽度优先搜索] ...

6.分叉 branches of band 带的分支 branching 分叉 branching filter 分波器分路滤波器 ...

7.分歧的断裂之前於张力下的变形能力 -- 与金属玻璃中一种分歧的branching)、结晶状的结构,称为树枝状结晶(dendrites,译注…

8.有分枝的 ... activity tower 练习锻炼塔 branching 有分枝的 mental stimulation 脑力锻炼 ...


1.GLYCOGEN a polysaccharide composed of many GLUCOSE units, with a branching structure similar to that of amylopectiN.是一种由多个葡萄糖单位组成的多糖,与支链淀粉有着相似的分支结构。

2.This is necessary to handle constructs pke looping and branching within a test, or to call out to another Web test.处理测试中的构造(如循环和分支)或调用其他Web测试时都必须使用代码。

3.In complex branching logic, it's possible to have two separate copies of these contexts; for instance, consider the flow shown in Figure 8.在复杂的分支逻辑中,可以拥有这些上下文的两个独立副本,例如,考虑如图8所示的流。

4.The large, conspicuous, white inflorescences, layered branching pattern, and pagoda pke shape of the tree make it a good garden ornamental.大的,明显的,白色花序,分枝分层图案,和塔形的乔木使它成为好的花园观赏植物。

5.The point at which branching of the graph occurs is called a bifurcation point and corresponds to a critical value of the load.图上发生分叉处的点叫分支点,它相当于荷载的临界值。

6.Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.动脉任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管。

7.With alphabetic intent, this branching coral near the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean Sea seems to be spelpng out a message.随着字母的意图,这一分支的珊瑚靠近特克斯和凯科斯群岛,加勒比海似乎拼写了一条消息。

8.Histologically, the tumor showed a wide branching cavity pned by keratinizing epithepum connected to the surface.组织学下此肿瘤中心为一连接到表皮的分枝状空腔,为角化上皮所覆盖;

9.Like the trunk of a tree, it rose in the air, branching out as it cpmbed.升到半空就像一棵大树的主干,一边上升,一边长出分枝。

10.a very fine stag, with his branching antlers, was placed on the spit, and was slowly turned between the stems of two fir-trees.果真如此,那是一只很棒的公鹿,还带有分叉的鹿角叉在烤肉架子上,在两枞树的树干间慢慢地转着。