


美式发音: [ˈbrænˌdaɪs] 英式发音: [ˈbrænˌdaɪs]







1.Certainly the lessons Holmes and Brandeis tried to teach seemed to be lost during the early years of the Cold War.显然,霍姆斯和布兰代斯的谆谆教诲在冷战初期似乎被人们忘却了。

2.Progressives of both parties were depghted for Brandeis was one of the leading exponents of social and economic reform in the country.对此,两党的进步派都感到由衷地高兴,因为布兰代斯是全国社会和经济改革的主要倡导人之一。

3.As Brandeis put it, "A lawyer who has not studied economics and sociology is very apt to become a pubpc enemy. "如布兰代斯所说,“没有研究过经济学和社会学的律师,很可能成为公众的敌人。”

4.Brandeis was born in 1856, into a family of non-repgious Jews a few years after they emigrated from Germany to the United States.布兰迪斯来自于一个不信奉宗教的犹太人家庭,在这个家庭从德国移民到美国多年后的1856年出生。

5.Another intriguing idea, from Stephen Cecchetti of Brandeis University, is to move parts of the credit market on to proper exchanges.布兰迪斯大学(BrandeisUniversity)史蒂芬-切凯蒂(STEPHENCECCHETTI)提出的另一个有趣想法是,将部分信贷市场转移到合适的交易所中。

6.Her doctoral thesis was on communes and she was an associate professor of sociology at Brandeis University between 1966 and 1977.她的博士论文就是关于社区的,并且她还于1966至1977年间在布兰代斯大学任社会学副教授。

7.Dr. Gregory L. Freeze, a professor of history at Brandeis, was direct. 'They don't have the smoking gun, ' he said.格利高里·弗雷泽博士,一个布兰德斯的历史学教授曾直截了当地说:“他们没有确凿的证据。”

8.Brandeis worried that the corporate giants of his day would imperil democracy through concentrated economic power.布兰戴斯忧心当时企业巨头的集中经济力量(concentratedeconomicpower)可能危及民主政治。

9.But Brandeis never gave the privacy risk posed by his servants a second thought.然而,布兰迪斯从没觉得仆人的存在对自己的隐私权构成了风险。

10.Defining neural circuits is still "the holy grail of neuroscience, " says Eve Marder at Brandeis University.定义神经电路依然是“神经科学的圣杯”,布兰迪斯大学的伊夫·马德尔说。