


美式发音: 英式发音: ['dʒu:nəʊ]





un.1.port and capital city of the state of Alaska, on the Gastineau Channel, opposite Douglas Island.

1.朱诺首府 :朱诺JUNEAU),30,981人口(2002年数字),位于阿拉斯加东南区,只可从水路或空中交通到达,无陆路相通。阿 …

2.首府朱诺  首府朱诺(JUNEAU),30,981人口(2002年数字),位于阿拉斯加东南区,只可从水路或空中交通到达,无陆路相通。阿拉斯加政府机构 …



5.阿拉斯加的朱诺虽然出生于阿拉斯加的朱诺Juneau),但这位已经年近八十四岁高龄的内科医生,从1968年起就开始断断续续地在曼谷展开 …

6.阿拉斯加朱诺市美国阿拉斯加朱诺市(juneau)景 ——美国阿拉斯加州[九渡论坛 ——美国阿拉斯加州[九渡论坛 美国石油之梦:阿拉斯加输油管 转 …

7.阿拉斯加的首府是朱诺阿拉斯加的首府是朱诺Juneau),位于内海通道(Inside Passage)之内,无法从美国本土直接到达,只能座飞机或游轮前 …


1.But, they say, the effects are more noticeable in and near Juneau , where most glaciers are retreating 30 feet a year or more.但是,他们又说,朱诺及其附近的影响更明显,这里大多数的冰川一年后退30英尺或更多。

2.In Juneau, Alaska, the Rev. George Sipdes and his wife will bring turkey to a church potluck, but not much more.在阿拉斯加的朱诺,乔治施耐德牧师和他的妻子将带着火鸡去教堂聚餐,但没有其他的了。

3.In and around Juneau , "you can walk around and see what was underwater is turning into grassland and eventually into forest, " Dr.在朱诺及其附近,“你可以四处乱走,还能看到以前水下的地方现在变成了草地,最后又变成了森林。”

4.The Juneau Icefield, one of the five largest ice fields in North America, is in the Coastal Mountains of Alaska, USA.朱诺冰原(JuneauIcefteld)是北美五大冰原之一,位于美国阿拉斯加州的海岸山脉。

5.At low tide, it is possible (but messy) to hike across exposed mudflats around Juneau .落潮时,虽然朱诺周围裸露的泥滩略显肮脏,但是已经可以徒步走过了。

6.What are the names of the capital of Hawaii and Alaska respectively? Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii and Juneau is the capital of Alaska.夏威夷和阿拉斯加的首府分别是什么?火奴鲁鲁是夏威夷的首府,朱诺是阿拉斯加的首府。

7.When photographing an already picturesque scene above Juneau , Alaska, USA, a camera caught green sub-visual aurora near the horizon.在美国阿拉斯加州朱诺上空拍摄风景如画的美景时,相机还在地平线附近拍摄到了次级可见的绿色极光。

8.While standing watch in the Coast Guard station in Juneau, Alaska, I got a call from the Navy in the nearby city of Adak.在阿拉斯加Juneau地区的海岸护卫站…,我接到在附近的Adak市的一个电话。

9.As the Pacific plate pushes under the North American plate, Juneau and its hilly Tongass National Forest environs rise still more.随着太平洋板块对北美板块的推挤,朱诺及其多山的通加斯国家森林将抬升的更高。

10.Harley-Davidson uses the plant as a large machine shop, shipping the new parts to Juneau Ave . for final assembly.哈雷戴维森将该工厂作为大型机械工厂,将这里制造的零部件运往朱诺大道的总部作最后组装。