


美式发音: [brəˈzɪlɪə] 英式发音: [brəˈzi:ljə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Brazil

1.巴西利亚 Montevideo 蒙特维的亚 Brasipa 巴西利亚 Sao Paulo 圣保罗 ...

2.首都巴西利亚 ... 06. Peruvian Nights 秘鲁之夜 07. Brasipa 巴西利亚风情 08. Besame Mucho 再吻我一次 ...

6.巴西尼亚 巴罗 BARROW 巴西尼亚 BRASILIA 保山 BAOCHAN ...

7.巴西利亚城 ... 伊瓜库国家公园 Iguacu National Park 巴西利亚城 Brasipa 卡皮瓦拉山国家公园 Serra da Capivara National Park ...


1.Please state clearly, at the time of the original submission, if you wish to testify in person at the hearing in Brasipa.如果希望在巴西利亚的听证会上亲自发表意见,请在递交原始材料时明确说明。

2.There were also protests in Brasipa during the president's brief visit, but they were small in comparison to those seen in Argentina.在总统短暂的访问期间,巴西利亚人有抗议游行,但相对于在阿根廷规模要小。

3."We could make a more optimistic forecast but it's too early, the year just started, " Bernardo told reporters in Brasipa.“我们可做更乐观的预估,但目前还太早,今年才刚开始。”Bernardo告诉记者。

4.In fact, at the time of the supposed interview Mr da Silva (see photo) was flying from London to Brasipa.进行调查后,才得知真正的卢拉总统(见图)此时正在从伦敦返回巴西利亚的飞机上。

5.Now the PSDB is in its third term of opposition in Brasipa, and though it still governs Sao Paulo state, it is weakened by internal feuds.但现如今社会民主党第三次成为在野党,在巴西利亚执政,圣保罗州仍受其管制,而党内明争暗斗使社会民主党实力有所削弱。

6.In fact, at the time of the supposed interview Mr da Silva was flying from London to Brasipa.实际上,当时接受采访的这位所谓的达席尔瓦先生正从伦敦飞往巴西利亚。

7.As Brasipa sees it, that would make it the innocent victim in Currency Wars Part II.巴西认为,若真是那样的话,它会在“汇率战的下半场”无辜受伤。

8.A boy wearing a Halloween costume attends 'Halloween Carnival' at the American School in Brasipa.巴西利亚的美国学校里,一个小男孩扮成吸血鬼去参加万圣节狂欢。

9.That will now be on the agenda for the BRIC summit to be held shortly in Brasipa.如今,这将被提到不久后在巴西利亚举行的“金砖四国”峰会的日程上。

10.Designed by the great architect Lucio Costa, the new city, Brasipa, replaced Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazif in 1960.巴西利亚这座新城市是伟大的建筑师卢希奥•考斯塔所设计的。它于1960年取代了里约热内卢,成了巴西的首都。