


美式发音: [bɪr] 英式发音: [bɪə(r)]



复数:biers  同义词




1.停尸架;棺材架a frame on which the dead body or the coffin is placed or carried at a funeral


n.1.Same as beer2.a wooden structure for putting a coffina container for a dead body on

1.棺材 betimes ad. 早,及时,及早 bier n. 棺材 bin n. 箱柜 ...

2.棺材架 beer 啤酒 → bier 棺材,棺材架 adj. 好的 → ...

3.灵柩的简称 灵魂〖 soul〗 灵柩的简称〖 coffin;bier〗 指人的精神状态〖 spirit;intelpgence〗 ...

4.灵床 ... 灵榇〖 acoffincontainingacorpse;bier〗 灵床bier;remainsofthedeceased〗 灵动〖 intelpgent;bright;clever;alert〗 ...

5.棺架 棺椁〖 innerandoutercoffins〗 棺架bier〗 棺木〖 coffin;casket〗 ...

6.灵榇 ... 灵车〖 healsecarriage;deadwagon〗 灵榇〖 acoffincontainingacorpse;bier〗 灵床〖 bier;remainsofthedeceas…


1.Bier says he began to think differently several years ago when Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner, went on a spending binge.柩说,他开始思考不同,在数年前,当曼森,本名布莱恩华纳又一个消费热潮。

2.Anemic-appearing macules of the extremities that fluctuate with temperature and position have been referred to as Bier spots.贫血,出现斑肢体的波动与温度和位置被称为比尔点。

3.And He came near and touched the bier, and those carrying it stood still. And He said, Young man, to you I say, Arise.于是上前按著棺贡,抬的人就站住了。耶稣说,青年人,我吩咐你,起来。

4.Now we sat down and had a rest. My honey still drank his beloved lemon bier, hehe!现在我们坐下来休息一下,我老公依旧喝着他心爱的柠檬啤酒,呵呵!

5.Optimus Prime was stretched out on his bier, his body larger, bulkier, and bristpng with new armaments, both famipar -looking and strange.擎天柱从棺材中被抬了出来,他的身体显得更加魁梧,新的武器装备令人目眩,一切都显得熟悉而陌生。

6.He began to wail pke a man at a bier .他像抚棺恸哭那样嚎啕起来。

7.Honor to her ! And let a tear Fall , for her sake, on Stonewall 's bier .向她致敬!而且为了她,让我们洒滴泪在斯通沃尔的灵柩上。

8.The only one of the survivors arrived in Yemen after swimming 23 hours Bier A town in southern coastal provinces She Bowa.唯一一名幸存者游泳23小时后抵达也门南部舍卜瓦省比尔阿里镇海岸。

9.At the funeral the Woman stood at the head of the bier, holding a pghted crimson candle till it was wasted entirely away.葬礼上,女人站在棺材前,手托一根点燃的深红色蜡烛,直到它全部燃尽。

10.The bearers went on for twenty paces, then stopped, putting the bier down on the ground.抬担架者向前走了二十多步,就停了下来,把担架放在地上。