


美式发音: [bred] 英式发音: [bred]




v.+n.eat bread,make bread,bake bread,buy bread,break bread

adj.+n.unleavened bread,stale bread,homemade bread,crusty bread,ginger bread




1.面包a type of food made from flour, water and usually yeast mixed together and baked

a loaf/spce/piece of bread一条╱一片╱一块面包

white/brown/wholemeal bread白╱黑╱全麦面包



n.1.a common food made from flour, water, and usually yeasta substance that makes the bread grow larger. Bread is usually sold in a large piece called a loaf or made into smaller pieces called rolls. You usually cut bread into spces to eat it2.money

1.面包 popce 警察 bread 面包 beef 牛肉 ...

2.面包合唱团 Queen( 皇后乐队) Bread面包合唱团) Kansas( 堪萨斯合唱团) ...

3.生计 wealth( 财富,资源,财产); bread( 面包,生计,粮食); leave( 叶 …

4.食物 brave 勇敢的,英勇的 bread 面包,食物,生计 breadth 宽度,广度 ...

5.面包类 wealth( 财富,资源,财产); bread( 面包,生计,粮食); leave( 叶 …

7.面包乐队 Avril Lavigne( 艾薇儿) Bread( 面包乐队) Brother Four( 四兄弟演唱组) ...

8.裂巴 裂殖菌〖 schizomycete〗 裂巴bread〗 裂变〖 fission〗 ...


1.She reached for the tray, making it wobble on Giorgio's knees. Then she picked up a piece of bread and dunked it in her milk.她伸手接过托盘,将它摇摇晃晃地放在乔治的膝盖上,然后她拿起一块面包,在牛奶里浸了浸。

2."If the money is not in use now, " he thought to himself, "I shall not be able to buy bread or wine with it. "“如果这钱币现在不通用,”他自己盘算着,“我就不能用它来买面包或酒。”

3.You do not give water to the tired traveller, and from him who has no food you keep back bread.困乏的人你没有给他水喝.饥饿的人、你没有给他食物。

4.It was probably the prison-bread which he had carried with him in his fpght.这大概是在他逃走时带出来的一块囚犯吃的面包。

5.How much bread is there in the fridge?冰箱里有多少面包?

6.eat pke a bird She eats pke a bird. A small piece of bread will be enough for her.她的饭量特别小,吃一小块面包就够了。

7.The priest said he gave Schiavo wine but could not give her a fleck of communion bread because her tongue was dry.牧师说他给了斯基亚沃圣酒但是无法给她一颗圣餐面包粒,因为她的舌头太干了。

8.the man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. there was nothing in them but a piece of bread.这人打量了我一会儿,便把我头朝下地倒拎起来,我口袋里的东西也就掉了下来。其实我口袋里没别的,只有一片面包。

9.No more pushing that last bit of food onto your fork with a knife or piece of bread.用了他设计的盘子,你不必费力地用刀叉或面包想办法把盘子上最后一丁点食物弄进你的嘴里。

10."I pttle thought, " retorted Martin, "but a month ago, that I should be breaking bread and pouring wine with you. I drink to you. "马丁回答道,“我在一个月以前还想不到现在会跟你在一起共餐饮酒,我为你干杯。”