


美式发音: [ˈbreɪkˌʌp] 英式发音: [ˈbreɪkʌp]



复数:breakups  同义词反义词





n.1.the end of a serious relationship or marriage2.the division of something such as an organization or country into smaller parts3.the melting or breaking apart of lodged ice in rivers and harbors in the spring

1.分裂 breakthrough 突破 breakup 分裂 breast feeding 母乳喂养 ...

2.分手 谢小雅要有好 RP 分手 Breakup 分手 Breakup 4-1 ...

3.破裂 breakup unconformity 裂开不整合 breakup 破裂 breakwater end 防波堤 …

4.完结 breakthrough 突破 breakup 完结 breakwater 防浪堤 ...

5.分离 failure;malfunction 分解;细目分类 breakup 分裂,分离 breathing 呼吸 ...

6.中断 ... Break down 分镜剧本 Breakup 中断 Bridge 过渡音乐 ...

7.崩溃 1l 不解释 Breakup 崩溃 7-1 Breakup 崩溃 ...

8.分散 32. 打折扣wear thin / water down breakup n.1 分散,分离,分裂 briskly ad.1 轻快地,活泼地,快地 ...


1.You can't talk your way out of a breakup. It is not up for discussion. A breakup is a definitive action, not a democratic one.你不能用你自己的方式来解释分手。这不是讨论。分手是实实在在的行动,不是民主的行为。

2.in the aftermath of a breakup it ' s all too easy to bad mouth your ex , spilpng their dirty pttle secrets to anyone who will psten.分手过后,容易说前任的坏话,把那些肮脏的小秘密泄露给愿意听的任何一个人。

3.This rumored breakup comes just a week after Bieber made a surprise appearance at one of Gomez's concerts.这一谣言的出现离贾斯丁在戈麦斯演唱会上惊喜现身仅一周之隔。

4.He took full responsibipty for the breakup of his marriage.伍兹召开了新闻发布会,他宣布对婚姻破裂全权负责。

5.Watching this horrific breakup scene makes me remember how much loving someone can hurt you.看到这一幕令人心碎的场景让我回想起你深爱着的人伤你有多深。

6.Immature students may be unable to cope with the grief of a breakup and may attempt to harm themselves or even commit suicide.不够成熟的学生可能无法应对分手带来的伤痛,并可能企图自残,甚至是自杀。

7.Post breakup, some people might advise you to work on yourself and forget about the dating scene for a while.在分手后,有些人也许会建议你去自我调整,先暂时忘记去约会。

8.If there's one thing I wish I could tell the college version of me, it would be that the breakup was an occurrence, not an identity.要是有机会和大学的那个我谈谈,我会告诉她,分手是世间常事,不是只有你才会遇到。

9.You told me that the breakup was mutual, but I always thought you still had a soft place in your heart for him.你告诉过我分手是相互的,但我总觉得他仍然占据你心中一个柔软的地方。

10.Ever since her breach of her mother' s command and the subsequent breakup of the bulk of their brood, she was even more careful.自从蜂后违背母亲的命令,随后大部分蜜蜂分裂以来,她就更加小心了。