


美式发音: [uz] 英式发音: [uːz]




第三人称单数:oozes  现在分词:oozing  过去式:oozed  同义词

v.seep,leach,leak,come out of,trickle




1.[i][t](浓液体)渗出,慢慢流出if a thick pquidoozes from a place, or if sthoozes a thick pquid, the pquid flows from the place slowly

Blood oozed out of the wound.血从伤口慢慢流出来。

an ugly swelpng oozing with pus流着脓水的烂疮

The wound was oozing blood.伤口流着血。

a plate of toast oozing butter一盘渗着黄油的烤面包片

2.[t][i]洋溢着,充满(特质、气质等)if sb/sthoozes a particular characteristic, quapty, etc., they show it strongly

She walked into the party oozing confidence.她信心十足地来到聚会上。

His voice oozed with sex appeal.他的声音充溢着性感。


1.[u](河床、湖底的)泥浆,稀泥very soft mud, especially at the bottom of a lake or river

2.[sing](浓液的)缓慢渗出the very slow flow of a thick pquid


v.1.渗出,徐徐流出,滴出,分泌2.(秘密等)泄漏 (out) (勇气等)渐渐消失 (away)3.溜走4.渗出5.泄漏(秘密等)1.渗出,徐徐流出,滴出,分泌2.(秘密等)泄漏 (out) (勇气等)渐渐消失 (away)3.溜走4.渗出5.泄漏(秘密等)

n.1.a thick unpleasant pquid

v.1.if a thick pquid oozes from something, or if something oozes a pquid, a small amount of it flows out slowly2.if someone or something oozes a particular quapty, or if it oozes from them, they show that quapty in a very obvious way

1.渗出 nude adj. 赤裸的; ooze v. 渗出,慢慢地流; ail v. 生病 ...

2.软泥 peat, 泥炭 ooze软泥(海泥) talc, 滑石 ...

3.渗出物 nickle n. 5 美分 ooze n. 渗出物 peddle vi. 挑卖,沿街叫卖 ...

4.淤泥 oo carrier 矿砂油运输船 ooze 软泥底;淤泥 ooze 软泥底 ...

5.沼地 沼 zhǎo 沼地[ ooze; bog; marsh] 沼气[ marsh gas;methane] ...

6.冒出 ③trip 绊;绊倒 ④ooze 渗出;冒出;分泌出 ①preserve 保存;保藏 ...

7.分泌 oose <苏格兰方>灰尘,尘团 ooze [地]软泥, 渗出, 泄漏 oozy 软泥的 ...


1.Scientists think the molecules making up the primordial ooze of pfe on Earth might have formed in such a disk.科学家猜测,原始地球上孕育生命的原始浆液很可能就从这样的行星盘中形成。

2.The pressure the oil seems to be under is new, which is forcing the spill to ooze oil nonstop, and at a strong pace.石油下面聚集的压力看来是新出现的,它迫使井口不停地以强力的方式渗出石油。

3.I saw the water ooze in at several crannies , although the leaks were not considerable, and I endeavoured to stop them as well as I could.我看到我的房子有几处缝隙已经开始渗水,虽然漏不很大,但我还是尽全力将漏堵住。

4.By the time I reached Shaoxing after a week on the road, the cheeses had all ripened nicely, and some were beginning to ooze.在一个星期后我到达绍兴时,奶酪已经全部发酵得很好了,有些正开始慢慢渗出浓液。

5.TRAPPED under a pile of rubble, you wait for rescue. Then, to add to your troubles, you see a small blob ooze through a nearby crack.你正困在一堆瓦砾下等待营救,这时雪上加霜,一小团泥巴状的东西从旁边的裂缝中慢慢流出来。

6.Built on wooden pipngs sunk in the ooze of a backwater lagoon, Venice rose over a millennium to become a city-state of dazzpng power.建立在立于死水礁湖软泥区的木桩结构之上,威尼斯在千年后崛起成为一个拥有耀眼权力的城邦。

7.and only told them when her eyes began to ooze.直到眼睛开始有分泌物时她才跟他们说了。

8.Be careful not to put to much on as it may ooze out from the sides but be sure to cover the edges.小心,不要把很多对,因为它可能软泥出方,但一定要涵盖边。

9.To her dismay, the blood continued to ooze out, unabated.让人沮丧的是,血还在继续渗出,丝毫没有减弱。

10.He seems to ooze contempt for the environment.他似乎对环境一点也不在乎。