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1.蛙泳 Clean and jerk 挺举 Breast-stroke 蛙泳 Back-stroke 仰泳 ...

2.游蛙泳 breast-stroke 游蛙泳. n low wall of earth,etc put up as a temporary defence 胸墙. ...


1.Two variations of the technique, which he called "fish swim" and "breast stroke, " had "pretty comparable results, " he said.为此,他举出了两个类似的范例:“鱼的游泳姿势”和“蛙泳”。他认为这具有相当高的参考价值。

2.I recalled the way of video about teaching breast stroke and tried to do it as possible as I can.我回忆着录相中教的蛙泳的方式,并尽我所能去做。

3.In the back-stroke, breast stroke, and butterfly a touch by hand is required. The most common turn used in crawl events is the fpp turn.在仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳中,手的拍打动作是必须的。在自由泳中,滚翻转身时最常见的。

4.Yes. In medley relays, each swimmer swims one stroke for the set distance; the order is back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly and freestyle.是的,在混合泳接力赛中,每位运动员以一种姿势游一定距离,顺序依次是斧正游泳、蛙泳、蝶泳和自由泳。

5.In the freestyle (breast stroke), there are three types of kicks: The six-beat kick, the two-beat kick, and the two-beat crossover kick.在进行自由泳(蛙泳)时(应该为仰泳,译者注),目前有三种打腿方式:6次腿、两次腿和两次交叉打腿。

6.breast stroke, back stroke , butterfly stroke, and free stroke .蛙泳、仰泳、蝶泳以及自由泳。

7.So you know how to do the breast-stroke?这么说你知道如何游蛙泳了?

8.The first swimmer swims back-stroke, the second breast stroke, the third butter-fly, and the fourth freestyle in a medley relay.在混合泳接力赛中,第一名选手游仰泳,第二名游蛙泳,第三名游蝶泳,第四名游自由泳。

9.I know there are freestyle, back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly and dolphin stroke.我知道有自由泳,仰泳,蛙泳还有海豚泳。

10.'Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the 50 (meter breast stroke), ' he tweeted. 'Even if victory is a long shot, I will give it my best. '他发微博说,明天(周三)是50米蛙泳,即使获胜希望渺茫,我也会竭尽全力。